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☾ Authors Note: Please read the A.N at the end and leave feedback on my stories. Thanks. -crazymofo

"Bye, (Y/n)" Your boyfriend says with a smile before walking off. You smile at the plain grounds of your school, trying to hide your blush. You look up when you see black boots on the ground. Slowly you look up seeing the one and only, Michael Clifford leaning against the wall across from you with his arms crossed, red hair sticking up in different directions. His leather vest on with a plain white shirt beneath it. You always admired his rocky edged look but him as a person, you despised the most. He shakes his head in disapproval and you ignore him, locking your locker and walking down the hall.

"You know he's cheating on you right?" He asks, you turn around and give him a blank look.

"He's not, we're in love," You say matter of factly and he scoffs.

"Sure you are," He walks up to you and holds your chin up to look into his light green eyes before walking off. "Don't believe everything you see." He says, walking out of the now vacant hall. You huff from frustration and run your hands through your hair. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Shaking your head, you make your way to the lunchroom alone. Enjoying the silence in the halls, you make a turn around the corner of the hall just to bump into someone.

"Hey watch where you're going!" You look up again seeing someone you found familiar in front of you but not putting a name to the face. She's a tall blonde with bright blue eyes and wavy hair.

"Sorry," you mumbled, moving out of the way.

"Hold on," she stops you by touching your shoulder with her hand. You look at her hand that's still touching you before looking at her. She looks angry. "We're not done here," she states and you shake your head. Now you weren't a push over because you knew when someone over pushed your boundaries. But considering the fact that you didn't know her but recognized her- you kept your mouth shut. Not only that but she was really tall- like a giraffe. So her height intimidated you a little.

"I think we are," you state, moving again, walking to lunch.

"What were you doing with Michael Clifford," she commanded more than asked. Your movements came to a halt when you heard that name and turned back to her.

"Does it matter?" You snapped, taking yourself aback because you weren't the snappy type. But that's just how much you despised him.

She walks closer to you so that she's towering you. You're not showing anything to show weakness. Instead you stood firm and unbothered with a look of boredom plastered on your face. "Actually," she paused, "It does sweetie."

"Oh really?" You questioned, "Well honey that sounds like a more personal problem, don't you think?" You asked innocently seeing her face turn pink from irritation. She pushes you against the wall by your biker jacket and gets closer.

"Listen here you little skank. You are going to stay away from him okay?"

"I'm sorry, but did you just threaten me?" You ask furrowing your brows with your cool façade immediately dropping into anger.

She walks away in her heels, swaying her hips a little too hard for someone built like a twig.

"Skank? If anyone's the skank it's her. Gotta give her, her props though. She did screw half the football team and Michaels bffs," you laugh humorously before walking in the opposite direction.

Before you know it you hear footsteps approaching you and someone forcefully turning you around to punch you in the face. You fall back and wince at the pain you felt on your cheek. Looking up you see her standing there, triumph on her face. "Now what was that?" She smiles and walks off. But before she had the chance to do that you grab her heel, making her literally fall on her face and scream once you see the blood on the floor. The bell rings dismissing lunch and she lunges towards you before screaming, "YOU BITCH! YOU BROKE MY NOSE!" She gets on top of you and starts to swing, blood dripping all over your jacket and your face. You hear light chatter down the hall and you hit her in the thrust while she's pulling your hair. She chocks and she falls back so now you're on top. Your head is closer to her and you start swinging on her face as well, hitting her jaw her nose- anywhere you can do to make her get off of you. All of a sudden you hear-

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