Michael Imagine

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Our little secret


"Can we please take a minute to talk about what you have done!" Michael yelled at me, breaking the conversation between his family and mine.

"Michael- I told you that I didn't mean what I said!"

"Bullshit!" He snapped.

"Michael!" His mom yelled.

"What!?" He yelled at her.

"Michael! You do not talk to your mother like that!" His dad said.

"Oh like you ever cared!" He exasperated, dramatically throwing his arms in the air.

"Michael." I said instead of yelling.

"What! You should just leave." He said silencing everyone who was talking moments ago.

"Fine, maybe I should. Sorry that I couldn't keep our little secret." I said before storming off.


"I can't believe he did that to you!" Anna said, taking another spoonful of cookies n cream ice cream.

"Yeah I couldn't either.."

"Hey, you still have me, right?" I smile at her and give her a hug. I look to my phone once more to see Michaels name across my screen again. I lock the phone, sending him to voicemail and roll my eyes.

"He's still trying to call you?" Anna asks and I nod.

"Yes and clearly I don't want to talk to him but he can't take a hint,"

Briefly after that, there's a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," I say, getting up out of my seat and into the entryway. I open the door and see Michael. I roll my eyes and laugh humorlessly.

"The nerve you have to come here is outstanding," I spat and I see the hurt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry,"

"Are you? Are you really!? Because that big scene of you being a dick in front of our family says more," I'm ready to close the door at this point but he just grabs the door instead.

"You promised me that you wouldn't say anything and you did,"

"It was a fucking joke Michael, you don't know how to take those now?!" I say with my voice yelling.

"I didn't come here to argue,"

"Then why did you even waste your time coming." I deadpan.

"I love you that's why-"

"Oh save the bullshit Michael. We were best friends. We slept around. I got pregnant. You didn't like it. I fixed it. It was a fucking joke. They didn't know it was you. You got offended and they didn't even know it was towards you. You made a scene and now it's over. In fact- we've been over for a long time now."

"You shouldn't have said that," He says.

"Oh great, you're here," Anna says sarcastically.

"What is she doing here," He asks rudely and she rolls her eyes.

"She's here for me unlike you, remember?" 

"Anna, I think it's time for you to leave," He says, moving his black and blond hair out of his face.

"Excuse me?" She scoffs.

"Yeah I just gave you the right away so beat it," He warns and she leaves. Once she gets into her car and drives away, he walks inside and closes the door behind him and locks it.

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