Calum Imagine

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"Cal, babe I'm bored." I pout, turning in the bed to face him. He was 'asleep'.

"Calum- I know you're not asleep." I rolled my eyes before lazily hitting his bare chest. A smile appears on his lips and he opens his eyes with a cheesy grin.

"What babe." He states more than asked. With his arms loosely on my waist.

"I'm bored!" He laughed.

"I know that already, you've been saying that ever since we got into bed." He chuckled as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Hey don't do that." He said.

"Do what." I asked playing dumb.

"Don't roll those pretty little eyes at me." He ordered and I scoffed at him.

"Really Cal." I rolled my eyes again at his little remark.

"What? I can't compliment the prettiest girl in the world to me?"

"Cal- Katy Perry is the prettiest girl in the world to you." I said with another roll of my eyes.

"No you are and you know that." He deadpanned, giving me a series look.

"Don't get all serious Cal, I know you meant what you said." I explained smiling at him.

"Really (y/n)." Now it was him saying that. He rolled his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." I said laughing at him.

"And if I don't?" He challenged.

"You really want to go there?" I asked quirking my eyebrow.

"Yes?" He questioned more than stated.

"Fine. No sex." I said cracking a smile as his big brown eyes goes big.

"You wouldn't."

"Oh Mr. Hood. But I will."

"Fuck that."

"Wha-" he then pulled me into his chest roughly, crashing his soft plump lips onto mine before griping the sides of my waist with one hand and holding my leg with the other one that was placed over his waist so I could feel him in his boxers. Typical Calum. He deepens the kiss and grounds his growing bulge into me making me moan.

"No sex huh?" He asked innocently as we were both a panting mess.

"Yes?" I said questionably.

"Oh no baby girl, we're gonna have to fix that." He said before getting on top of me and slamming his lips back into mine.

"God I love you so much." He pants.

"I love you too." I said, tangling my fingers in his soft fluffy hair as he begins sucking on my neck to make sure he has love bites left over. Then there was a noise from downstairs. I gasped.

"Calum." I said and he thought it was a moan, continuing his actions.

"Calum!" I whisper shouted getting his attention.

"What? Why are we whispering?!" He whispered back.

"I think there's someone in the house!" I said.

"Good. Now they can see me fucking my girl." I rolled my eyes at his half joke.


"Alright! Fine! I'll go check it out." He says getting up.

"Stay up here." He ordered before leaving. He closed the door and all I could hear was silence.

"Cal?" I said lowly to myself knowing there would be no reply. Still nothing. That is until I hear him yelling my name from downstairs.I immediately jumped out of bed and grabbed my gun from the spot I hide it from and dash downstairs to Calum who was not hurt at all and with Luke looking scared of me because I had my gun aimed at him.

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