Michael Imagine

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"Michael stop cheating you ding bag!" I say pushing him.

"I'm not cheating!" He says, laughing before shooting you again with a crossbow.

"I saw you look at my screen!" You yell trying to find him again on the large deserted map.

He comes from behind again and shoots you. You frown when you hear him laugh. Quickly you run across the map and hide, seeing him look for you as you hide in the bushes. Once he passes you, you run at him from behind and tomahawk him.

"Humiliation," The game says and you smile seeing a pissed off look on your boyfriends face.

"Take that Clifford."

He raises a brow at you, amusement clear on his face. "Babe, we both know that I can take anything, speak for yourself." He says and you feel your face redden. He smirks at you and gets you back by doing what you did to him.


"You fucker!" You yell, hitting his bare arm as he laughs.

"VICTORY!" He booms, making you jump from how loud he was. "WOO! WOO! WOO!" He says, throwing his arms into the air in fists. "I'M GETTING LAID TONIGHT!" You roll your eyes and make your way to the kitchen with him following behind. You pick up the house phone and call for pizza. Yes pizza. Michael made a bet that he can and will beat you at any and every game you two played together. So far he was in the lead by two points. You order four large pizzas and go into the refrigerator for something to drink.


Fifteen minutes later, there's a knock at the door. Michael was in the man cave playing some race car game while you played on twitter. You get up and toss your phone to the side. You open the door, revealing the pizza guy. You pay for the meal and tip him before closing the door behind you with a lock. After that you walk into the kitchen and set the pizzas down onto the counter. You feel Michael behind you and you close your eyes feeling his arms wrap around your waist, to your stomach.

"Pizzas here," He murmurs into your ear, nibbling it.

"Yeah, get some slices and lets start the next game." You say, opening the box of steaming hot pizza.

"I'd like to get a slice of something else instead," You roll your eyes and nudge him off of you.

"Yeah, not gonna happen," You hear him chuckle and take the pizza you made for yourself and hit him. "That was for me,"

"Sure it was," He take's a box for his self and walks away.

You do the same and follow him back into the man cave. "So which game are we playing?" He asks.

"Mortal combat," You say and he groans.

"Whyyyyyyyy," He whines, blonde hair looking incredibly sexy due to the fact that he didn't fix it up for the day.

"Because we still haven't played it and it's the one game you suck at," You fold your arms over your chest and see him roll his light green eyes.

"Fine," He puts the disk inside of the system and starts it up.


It's been three hours and it was almost midnight.

"Just give up Michael," You say, kicking his ass again for the fifteenth time.


"But it's getting late!"

"I don't care!"

You groan and select another character. He picks the one that you had, claiming it's the reason why he's been losing and you've been winning. That was the tenth time he's said that tonight and the tenth time you've changed your character with him doing the same thing but choosing the character you played with previously.


It was now one thirty five and he still hasn't given up. At this point you have already given up and just decided to let him win. Maybe an hour later Michael was beating you. He gives you the final blow and cheers, waking you up a bit.

"YES! I WON!" You give him a lazy smile and get up to go to bed.

"Now can we go to bed?" You ask and he smiles.

"Yes," He walks to the system to turn it off, "I'll meet you upstairs," You nod and make your way to your shared rooms.

You were now in bed and you feel the bed dip. The lights were off and Michael finally crawled into bed, spooning you with him behind.

"Goodnight Michael," You say and feel him stir behind you.

"Goodnight (Y/n),"

"Wait, can I ask you something?" He asks and you smile.

"You just did," You feel him roll his eyes from behind you and you smile.

"Ha, ha," He says dryly.

"What did you want to ask," You turn around to face him.

"Why did you let me win?"

"I like to see you happy," You brush his hair to the side. "Your happiness means a lot to me," He smiles at you and pulls you in for a hug, "That and the fact that it was getting late and I was tired," He laughs and places a kiss to your forehead.

"Okay (y/n)," He laughs. You lay your head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat, that sends you right to sleep, before you're out for sure, you hear him mumble..

"Goodnight, princess." before losing conscientiousness.

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