Fuck you (M.C)

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"YOU KNOW WHAT? FUCK YOU MICHAEL!" You yell, taking your things to leave but he grabs your arm with a tight grip, making you whip your body around to face him.

"YOU'RE NOT LEAVING UNLESS I TELL YOU TO," He yells pissing you off even more. You pull away from him and walk off into the bedroom, where he follows you. You just wanted to take your keys from the door and leave. He blocked the doorway making you even more irritated.

"Fuck off, Clifford." You spat as he stood there with his cocky smirk and crossed arms, making them pop out more, especially with his tattoos. "Michael, move out of the way," You ordered and he gives you an amused look. He didn't move though. "Move the fuck out of my way," You brushed past him, making sure you hit him with your shoulder. You walk outside and get in your car, driving off with Michael watching you with his arms crossed at the doorway, the suns light bringing his beauty out more. Bright blonde hair, looking nearly white from how bright it was out with his body glowing from the heat waves. Ass hole. You sped off and decided to just stay at a hotel. You took his card, purposely to piss him off and swiped the card on a suite.

After you settled in you relaxed and saw your phone blowing up with notifications.

All from the one and only Michael Clifford. You roll your eyes from annoyance and toss your phone to the side. Then you hear the ringer go off. It was him again. You flip it over and take a towel to take a shower. You then order a bottle of champagne to accompany you for when you take your bath. You pay the person who brings it up and lock the door. The water was ready and filled with bubbles and lilac colored water from the bath bombs you previously dropped in. You strip from your clothing and get in, feeling the hot water welcome your body. You hear your phone in the distance and close your eyes, opening the champagne and pouring the contents into the little glass. You take a long sip.


A few more glasses later you pass out and wake up in semi warm water. You bathe and get out and wrap your body around in a towel lazily dragging yourself back into the suite. You go into your bag, pulling out a tight blue dress to wear tonight for a club you wanted to go to.

Once you were dressed, you wait until it was dark enough to leave the hotel.

You make it to the club that was already packed but then again it was only 9pm and it was a popular club. You took a few drinks and started dancing to the music with your eyes, letting the music control you. You feel someones hands wrap around your waist and you smile, looking back to see some random guy. He was fine but he wasn't your type. You shrug and continue to dance.

"Let me buy you a drink," He says and you smile, agreeing. Once he orders it. You hear screaming. Probably some celebrity showing up. Right on cue Michael steps in. Instantly your eyes lock and you find yourself getting annoyed by his presence. Once he sees the guy wrap his arms around your waist, he just ignores you as if you don't exist and walks into the club. You take the guys hand and guide him back to the floor to dance. After a while of dancing and grinding you feel someone bump into you. You snap your eyes open to see Michael with some blonde bimbo. You were beyond pissed but you didn't show it. You refuse to let him win with the satisfaction.

"Sorry, babe, I didn't see you there," He says, knowing damn well what he was doing.

"It's fine man," The guy says from behind me. I roll my eyes and walk back to the bar. The guy follows and you get slightly annoyed.

"You should go," You say and he nods. After he leaves two more guys show up making you smile.

"You look like you could use some company," You take a drink and nod.

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