Luke Imagine

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"Luke?" You asked as you approached his shaking body that was curled up into a ball on the floor. "Get away from me." He said shakily, weakly putting his shaking hand up to stop you. "What's wrong?" You asked now a little afraid of what he was hiding. "Please. (Y/n). You need to leave now before it's too late!" He begged. "No I'm not leaving you! Let me help you!" You cried seeing him struggle. He never turned. You never saw his face. "(Y/n). I don't want to h-hu-rt you!" He stammered. "You won't if you let me see the problem." You reassured getting closer to his stiffening body.

He stilled.

The shaking stopped and so did the sound.

It was completely silent. "Luke?" You whispered, tears of fear brimmed your eyes as you hesitantly reached out a shaky hand out to touch him.

He was so cold.

Run. Your mind told you but you refused.

RUN! It screamed. Your heartbeat was racing and your mind was yelling run!

You removed your hand from his body when he stood up slowly still not facing you as he faced the corner.
Your heart dropped when it saw what he was hiding.

A dead distorted body of a female. You covered your mouth as the tears streamed down your face.

Luke just stood there without a word said. His hands were covered in blood and his neck was scratched up.

Your body refused to move at this point and your heart was pounding loudly. So loud to the point of where the sound could be heard through your ears.

RUN! The voice screamed once more but it was too late. "Luke?" You whispered. Fear clear in the way you spoke. "It's okay, we can fix this. You didn't mean to kill her." You defended as his hands closed into fists, the blood sticking onto his fingers as he undid them.

You take a few steps back. "I warned you (y/n)." He said coldly. "I warned you and you didn't listen." He added, looking over his shoulder.

He finally turned around and his eyes were black. Blood all over his face and teeth as he wickedly smiled at you.

His eyes flashed back to their original version (deep blue) and it was him. "I'm sorry." He whispered with tears streaming down his face.

After that was said.

Everything went black.

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