Ashton Imagine

538 11 1

The real end.

"You are so damn beautiful." Ashton said as she looked at the ground.

"Ashton." She dragged giving him a serious look.

"What? You know that don't you?" He asked innocently smiling at the ground himself, picking at the grass with his dimples displayed.

"Ashton." She said again but more sternly.

"Yes?" He asked still smiling.

"Stop it." She said making him frown in confusion.

"Stop what?" His bright hazel eyes gazing into hers lazily with a genuine smile wavering over his features.

"Stop being sweet you little shit." She said and his face twists even more from confusion.

His lips part to speak but she just grabs the collar of his shirt to pull him in for a sweet kiss to the lips. His lips turns into a smile against hers and she playfully bites his bottom lip to pull it with her lips.

A soft chuckle erupts from their chests at their banter and right before you know it he flips her underneath him and begins to give her little kisses all over her face and some on her neck to hear her laugh throughout the open field.

"Ashton!" She gasped laughing at him as he tickles her sides and buried his head into her neck to playfully bite it, hearing the sound of her small squeals and little gasps of air.

He giggles and she feels the vibrations against her neck making her shiver from delight and playfully pushes him from her body.

"No!" He whines grabbing onto her body again and placing his face onto her exposed stomach.

"Ash!" She squealed feeling his lips attack her stomach like you would to a baby to hear it laugh. She fisted his blonde waves to stop him but failed as he continued his small banter.

"Ew are you two done?" It was one of our friends- Michael. He had lilac hair and a bad ass eyebrow piercing to pull off his 'hey guys I'm punk rock look' in reality he's not.

"(S(He) started it!" We both say at the same time before playfully glaring at each other for thinking the same thing.

"Ew people." Luke said behind Michael referring to me and Ashton being a couple.

I scoff and roll my eyes.

"What's going on here ladies." Calum says with a small laugh at his own joke watching us all glare at each other.

"Did I miss something?" He asked confused hisself.

"No- these two are being krabby patties." I said seeing Luke break a small smile.

"You did not just say that." Luke said.

"May I ask why the two of you are being krabby patties?" Calum says with his arms crossed referring to Luke and Michael.

"Shut up Calum." Michael says and Luke snickers.

"You too Hemmings." Michael said to Luke making him look elsewhere.

"Someone's a little jealous." I muttered and he snaps his attention towards us.

"Really? That's what you think? Ha!" Michael says denying it.

"Yep." Ashton says looking back at me giving me a kiss to the lips and smiled against it.

"Ew." Calum says with a look of disgust.

"Fuck you Hood." I said and my eyes automatically widen when I saw the deadly look on Ashton's face.

"Hey! Don't swear!" He scolded making the others snicker.

"Yeah don't swear." Calum repeated holding back a laugh with Luke and Michael.

I glared at them.

"Don't you ladies have somewhere to be?" I said dryly as they then start to glare at me and I give them a smile in reply.

"Yes we do actually." Michael says while the others nod in agreement.

"We ordered pizza." Luke says proudly. Oh god.

"And now we are leaving you two assholes to eat that pizza." Calum finishes before walking off with the others following behind.

"Hey! I said no swearing!" Ashton yelled out at Calum who just ignored him. Typical Hood. I rolled my eyes and looked at Ashton's hazel ones.

"Finally they're gone." He sighs before plopping his head back onto my stomach.

"Ow and they're your friends." I replied.

"Yours too." He laughed as I played in his blonde mess.

"Yeah, I know." I sighed tangling my fingers through the hair on the nape of his neck. Ashton sighs happily before dosing off to sleep.

"Babe are you falling asleep on me?" I asked getting no reply.

"Ash, we're outside at the park!" I said putting emphasis on park. No answer.

"Damn it Irwin." I scolded thankful that he didn't hear that one.

I played in his hair and watched the kids play from afar at the playground while me and Ashton sat on the grassy hill with the nice view of the landscape. I sighed feeling like the luckiest girl in the world to have him.

"I love you Ashton." I smiled, blushing at the sound of that escaping my lips.

I haven't told him yet. We both knew that we loved each other but we never said the words. Afraid to hear what the other might say.

He snuggled up on my stomach and kept his arms wrapped around my torso. I smiled and stayed in my laying position before he woke up and looked around in confusion.

"Where am I?" He mumbled groggily looking around at his surroundings.

"Uh at the park?" I said stating the obvious.

"Still?" He asked.

"Yes, you fell asleep on me." I laughed as he sunk his head back into my stomach dramatically.

"Nooooo!" He whined.

"Yesssss!" I whined mocking him.

"Awe, I'm sorry." He apologized with a lost look on his face.

"Ash, it's okay." I said with my hands still in his soft hair.

"Come on let's go home." He said getting up and holding my hand.


"Ashton?!" I breathed out sitting up in my bed and feeling the light coat of sweat on my forehead. I sighed looking next to me to see the same empty spot there.

I ran my fingers through my hair before running them over my face. I looked at the alarm clock to see 5:47 am. I got up and took a shower before getting dressed.

Minutes later I arrived to my destination. I got out of the car and approached the person I was looking for; him. I breathed in and ran my fingers over the cold material that his name was engraved in. Tears slid down my face and I lost it. I fell to the floor and cried; on him.

"I'm so sorry." I choked out holding onto my chest as I cried.

"It should've been me." I sniffled and the thought of him gone made me cry even harder.

"Ashton, baby please come back to me!" I cried grabbing a hold of the floor.

"I don't think that I can do this anymore! Please!" I sobbed feeling my heart break into many pieces again.

"Please!" I held myself feeling the dramatically cold air in the atmosphere hit against my bare skin because it was autumn and close to winter. But I couldn't feel it. I was so numb. I loved him and there was nothing I could do about it.
*Before the incident*

"Hiiiiiii!!!!" Ashton chirped through the phone.

I smiled at the sound of his voice.

"Hiiiiiii!!!" I repeated but grinning more.

"What do you have planned later on?" He asked with a giggle. I smiled even harder picturing his deep dimples and his sweet smile.

"Hello?" He asked snapping me out of my trance.

"Oh sorry, nothing, why?" I asked looking at the ceiling of my room.

"Nothing it's just that I would like to take a very pretty girl out on a date tonight." He explained and I smiled.

"Really?" I said monotonously.

"Really. How does that sound?" He asked confidence clear In his voice.

"Sounds great." I said making sure he didn't hear the excitement in my voice.

"See you soon, can't wait." He says clearly grinning.

"Me too, but where are we going?" I asked confused.

"Can't say, it's a surprise. But I will send you the address." He explained.

"Okay Mr. Irwin." I laughed.

"Alright Mrs. Irwin." He joked making me grin. If only. I sighed happily of the sound of that.

"Bye, (y/n)."

"Bye Ashton."

I hanged up and checked the time.

6:45 pm. Shit I need to get dressed. I got in the shower and then put on a navy blue dress with matching creme heels and curled my hair with a wand. I spritz myself down in perfume before getting a text from Ashton with the address. I replied and said on my way. I then grabbed my purse and got into my car making my way there. It was a two hour drive so I had time.
By the time I made it there I was in awe. The place was beautiful and so elegant. I loved it. I smiled and made my way in looking for Ashton just to find Calum there instead.

"Hey." I said approaching him.

"Hey." He smiled.

"What are you doing here?" I asked happy to see him, pulling him in for a hug.

"For some event tonight." He said nonchalantly as if it were nothing.

"Where are the others?" I asked looking around for them.

"Luke is on his way and Michael is in the restroom." He explained.

"Oh are you all matching?" I asked looking at his grey tux.

"Nah, Michael is wearing a white tux and Luke is wearing a navy blue one." He replied pulling a chair out for me."May I?" He asked with a smile.

"Yes you may." He takes my hand and guides me to the seat before pushing me in and taking a seat hisself.

"So what is this event about?" I asked.

"Who knows, some big surprise." He brushed off. I opened my mouth to reply but then I saw Michael approaching the table.

"Mikey!" I squealed getting up to hug him.

"There's my favorite girl!" He said laughing.

"You look so cute in your tux!" I cooed making him roll his eyes.

"Fuck you." He said glaring at me as I laughed at him.

"Love you too." I laughed. He smiles and takes a seat.

"So where's Ashton and Luke?" He asked us.

"Who knows." Calum says with a bit of irritation.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

"Oh nothing." He added coolly.

"Liar." Michael called out on the other side of the rounded table. Making Calum glare at him and throwing a breadstick at him, Michael laughs and eats it.

I rolled my eyes.

"Really guys." I said dryly.

"Hey he started it." Michael added.

"Did not." Calum says before pulling out his phone.

"Okay." I dragged.

"I think Calum is a bit jealous." I said nonchalantly.

"Am not." He defended.

"Whatever." I said before seeing Luke walk in.

"Guys." I said motioning to Luke with my eyes and they both look up to see him.

"About time." Michael muttered.

"Yeah, yeah." Luke says approaching the table. He clearly heard him.

"Hey Luke." I said getting up once more to hug him. Hearing him laugh.

"Hey, someone's looking really pretty tonight." He complimented and I laughed.

"Thank you." Me and Michael said at the same time. Making me and Luke turn to him. To give him a really look.

"Where's Ashton?" He asked.

"I don't kno-" my phone goes off and I answer it.

"It's him." I whispered to the others.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey, I am so sorry but I'm still running a little late-" he said but was cut off by Michael.

"No shit." He deadpanned making me roll my eyes at him.

"Maybe I should just take you off of speaker." I said before taking him off of speaker.

"Okay now what were you saying?" I asked.

"I'm running a little late but I should be there in no time." He explained. He sounded very concentrated.

"Ashton?" I asked slowly.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Please tell me that you're not speeding." I said feeling worry.

"If I do will you get mad at me?" He asked innocently.

"Ashton, I'm being serious." I said.

"Yes (y/n) I am but it's okay the roads are empty and it's still a clear shot from here." He explained.

"Ashton. I told you about this. Please don't speed you could get hurt-"

"(Y/n) there's nothing to worry about, it's okay, I am perfectly fine and you don't have to worry about a thing." He added.

"Ashton please don't do this and stay in the limit." I said.

"Fine (y/n) I am now in the limit now can you please stop worrying about me and enjoy the boys before I get there?" He asked making me smile.

"Okay but stay on the phone." I said agreeing with him.

"Okay." He said before sighing.

"He's on his way guys." I said and they all sigh in relief.

"Finally!" Michael yelled exasperated.

"Oh Shut up." Me and Calum say at the same time as Ashton who heard him.

"Just stating the obvious." He defended before pulling his phone out.

"What's so funny?" I asked Ashton who was giggling on the other end.

"Nothing." He says. He's clearly hiding something.

"Ashton." I said sternly.

"What?" He asked.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Nothing I'm just really excited and really happy for tonight." He says. Grinning from the other end.

"And why is that?" I asked.

"Because I just need to know how I got so damn lucky to be with you." He said making me smile.

"Ashton." I started.

"No listen. You do this every time I try to complement you." I sighed."You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I know that this is so damn cliche and all but I just need to let you know that it's true. You are so perfect-"


"Let me finish, please." He pleaded.

"I know you're not perfect but you are my perfect because you are imperfect in your own ways which makes me want you even more. I just can't see myself without you. (Y/n) I am madly in love with you and I just need to let you know that and there will never- ever be a day when that all stops." He says making me cover my mouth and cry. Getting the others attention.

"Whoa, hey are you okay?" Michael asked worry on his face.

"Oh shit. (Y/n), are you okay?" Calum asked rushing to my side.

Luke was already by my side holding my small hand in his. I nodded my head and held the phone there.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said. Sniffling.

"Shit. (Y/n)?" Ashton said through the phone.

"Yes?" I asked trying to hide the fact that I was crying.

"Did I make you cry? I wasn't trying to I promise." He said calming me.

"I know. I-I just feel the same way and I just-" I couldn't find the words.

"Hey, it's okay you don't have to explain but I need to tell you something else." He said.

"Yes?" I sniffled.

"Do you remember how long we've been together?" He asked nonchalantly.

I smiled.

"3 years and 4 months." I said.

"What if I said that I had roses for every single day that we've ever been together?" He asked and I gasped when I saw red roses being carried by guys with roses surrounding the table with them.

"Ashton." I said breathless.

"Those aren't all of the roses because it's way more than that so I did 12x3x4 and got 144. But in all its in the thousands. They are all in a garden made just for you when you get home." He explained.

"Ashton that is so sweet-I don't know what to say." I said feeling my brain clog up with thoughts.

"(Y/n) you are amazing and I don't know how many words can describe how I feel right now or ever-" he started.

"Ash, what's going on here?" I asked watching the boys look at me in confusion.

"(Y/n)." He says.

"Yes?" I murmured.

"Will you marry me?"

I covered my mouth again and cried shaking my head yes.

"He can't see that (y/n)." Michael laughed.

"Yes!" I said."Yes!"

"I wish I could see the look on your face." He whispered.

"Ash?" I asked.


"Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm just so happy and I just have to see you right now." He says rushing out his words but it was then replaced by a silence.

"Ashton?" I asked and the boys sees this and gives me concerned looks.

"Ash!" I yelled not hearing a reply.

"What's going on?" Michael says getting up.

"(Y/n)." Calum said sternly.

"Talk (y/n)." Luke says.

"Something's wrong." I said and they look up. Luke grabs his keys and leaves to find Ashton.


"Something is wrong!" I yelled panicking and Michael rushes to my side.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay just-just wait-" Michael said trying to calm down.

"Call the police!" I yelled and Calum dials them.

"He-llo-hello? Yes, yes, about six minutes ago, yes. Probably on the highway but I could be wrong. Yes, yes I understand. Okay, okay, bye." Calum hangs up the phone and grabs his keys.

"What did they say?" Michael asked.

"On their way. Tracking his phone and retracing his steps." Calum says as Michael dials Luke's number.

"Hello? Luke. What did you find out? Hey slow down Luke what happened." Michael narrowed his eyes at me and looks elsewhere."What!? Okay Luke calm down where are you? Luke. Luke! Okay we're on our way. Just call Calum while I drive. Okay bye." He said before hanging up the phone.

"What happened?" I asked feeling the pit of my stomach churn.

"We need to go. Now." He picked up his jacket that went with his tux and headed out with Calum on the phone with him still.

"Yeah we're on our way." Calum says from the back seat."Yeah I know. They did? What did they say? Okay we're pulling up now." Calum hangs up the phone and glares outside of his window without another word said.

"Cal?" I whispered.

I looked up to see sirens in the distance. We approached it and I gasped at the sight. It was a car accident. Oh my god. I immediately unlocked my door and ran out ignoring Michael calling after me. I looked to the side to see Luke ruffling through his hair that was a disheveled blonde mess and his eyes red from crying. I ran to the police officers to see them block me off from the incident.

"Ma'am you can't go through here." He says and I worry even more.

"Please he's my fiancé!" I pleaded and his eyes softened.

"You don't want to see him right now."

"Please I have to!" I nearly cried.

"Come this way." He sighed.

I walked with him and looked on the floor near his car to see him laying on the floor with blood covering his white button up and many scratches covering his face. I covered my mouth with my hand and cried.

"Ashton!" I yelled running to him, kneeling next to him as the nurses try to assist him. He looks up at me and tears are blurring his vision.

"You look so beautiful." He says making tears stream down my face."My wife." I held his hand as I cried and saw Calum, Michael and Luke come out of the crowd to see this. All of their eyes are red and they turn away to hide it.

"Ashton please." I said closing my eyes to feel the tears stream down my face.

"Hey don't cry." He says making more tears stream down my face.

"Ashton I can't do this. It's not okay you are hurt and I can't see myself without you-" I chocked out.

"I won't let go until you tell me too." He murmured.

"You're in pain Ashton." I deadpanned crying.

"Not when I see you with me." I turned away and sniffled.

"I-" He began to struggle with his words.

"No baby, don't speak it's okay I understand." I sniffled holding onto his hand.

His hand shakily reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small black box. He struggles to move his arm far but he opens it with one hand that displayed the ring. It was beautiful and contained a single diamond that shined beautifully. I gasped and began to sob. I shook my head and held out the hand that he held with his other hand. He pulled the ring out and shakily places it onto my ring finger making me cry and laugh at the same time.

"We did it." He says and I hold on to him.


"Shh." He says about to close his eyes.

"Ashton please don't do this!" I said seeing his hazel eyes open up.

"I'm so sorry." He says.

"Okay ma'am we need you to please step away from him. We will be taking him to the nearest hospital for immediate care.

They place him into the stretcher and carries him away. I sobbed and stayed on the floor. Calum and the others were a mess.

"Come on let's meet him at the hospital." Calum sniffled, eyes still red along with his nose. Luke gets his keys and we drive off to the hospital.
When we arrived Ashton was already put into a room and was not doing well.

"We can't take visitors." The nurse said.

She looked up at me and saw the ring that had some blood on it including my hand.

"Go on. The room is on the fourth floor to the left."

We walked off and made our way there. I opened the room door with the boys going in.

"You guys go first." I said sniffling. They nod their heads and I go in. The blinds are closed and I am left alone. Thinking. What happens next?

Minutes passed before they all walk out with red puffy eyes. Made me worry. It was night now and I walked in. He had bandages on his head and wrists. While the rest remained covered.

His eyes were closed and his breathing was light.

I trailed my fingers along his face and his lips. Then I ran my fingers through his hair feeling a few strands wrap around my finger. So soft. His face was all cleaned up but with a few bandages to cover his marks.

His eyes slowly opened revealing his hazel ones. I weakly smiled at him to see him return the smile.

"Hey." I whispered.

He just looked at me in awe.


He was suffering.

"I'm so happy that I found you." He murmured with a few tears falling from his face.

It's time.

"I'm lucky that I found you." I whispered giving his hand a kiss.

"Not as lucky as I am." He tried to move but immediately squeezed his eyes shut in pain.


"No it's fine I'm fine."

"No Ashton you're hurt." I said looking away. I looked back at him to see him smiling at me.

"Ashton?" I asked.

"Yes?" He whispered.

I just sighed and leaned in to give him a kiss to the lips. He immediately responded with passion. He held my face and kept me like this until he ran out of energy. We pulled away and I hugged him and kept my head in the crook of his neck. Feeling him. I felt him shake underneath me and that's when I pulled away to see him crying.

"Ash." He tried to cover his face but I pulled his hands down to see his eyes that were really bright in color.

"I'm sorry." He said shaking his head."It just hurts so bad." He cried.

I felt tears stream down my face.

"Where's your ring?" I asked.


"Baby where's your ring." I said and he pulls his other hand out to show his wedding ring.

I laughed and sniffled.

"You are so perfect." He said giving my hand a kiss with a small laugh.

"Ashton?" I asked.

"Yes?" He sniffled.

"It's time." I said seeing him look at me.

"You sure?" He whispered.

"Yes. Baby you can let go. It's okay I'll understand." I sniffled feeling tears stream down my face. His face softened.

"I've never met anyone that cared for me as much as you ever did. And I am so grateful for that." He said as I cried."You know that right?" He asked and I nodded my head."I love you so much (y/n). Never forget that. I love you forever. Even while I'm gone. Okay?" He said a few tears falling from his face.

"And I-" I began but was cut off by the monitor. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I sniffled and looked up at Ashton whose eyes were now closed.

"No." I sniffled trying to wake him.


"Ashton!" I yelled hearing the others rush in.

"Ashton no! I didn't get to say it back! Let me say it back! You have to be here for me to say it back! Ashton please!" I sobbed feeling Calum pull me back as I cried on him.

"Someone get the nurse!" Calum called out crying.

"Ashton!" I cried out.
*days later*

"Are you ready?" It was Calum who was dressed in a black tuxedo.

"Yeah." I whispered. I got up from my spot and made my way to his coffin. I saw his face and I just broke down.

Calum holds me up as I cried.

"I love you so much Ashton! And I am so sorry that you couldn't hear me say it in person!" I cried out feeling Calums hands on me. I shakily sighed.

"I would never forget you and I would never forget those words you said to me that night."

"I know you're not perfect but you are my perfect because you are imperfect in your own ways which makes me want you even more. I just can't see myself without you. Ashton I am madly in love with you and I just need to let you know that and there will never- ever be a day when that all stops." I heard him say along with me as tears flowed down my face.

"I'm sorry I can't do this anymore." I whispered. Calum carries me away and I don't say a word for the rest of what was needed to be said.

*few weeks later/currently*

"Please come back to me. I can't do this anymore." I cried. Sniffling. I shakily sighed and went into my bag for my medication. I saw the pills and put two onto my hand. And then two became six and then six became eight. Until I just gave up.

*Lukes pov*

"(Y/n)!" I called out looking for her. I knew she went to the cemetery to see him but this early? Was insane. It was freezing out here and I just couldn't do it.

"(Y/n)!" I called out again. Then I saw a body. Hers. My heart dropped. No.

"(Y/n)!" I rushed to her body on Ashton's grave and saw the pills everywhere. No.

I pulled her body up to see her eyes closed and a pill falling from her mouth. Her head seemed lifeless along with her body. I lifted her up and carried her body to my truck. I pulled her into the back seat and drove home.

"What happened?" Calum and Michael asked.

"She's dead." I said looking elsewhere.

"What?!" Michael yelled approaching her body on the ground.

"I found her on Ashton's grave. Overdose." I explained pinching the bridge of my nose.

(Y/n) gasps and gets up. I turn and I sigh in relief.

"You're alive!" I said and she shakes her head.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She asked holding her head.

"(Y/n) I saw the pills." I said and she looks up at me.


"The pills at the grave. You went to Ashton's grave and you were laying on it and there were pills everywhere." I explained.

"I emptied them out. I didn't need any pills to help me get over him." She explained before Calum places a blanket over her body and Michael hands her a cup of hot chocolate.

"So you're okay?" I asked.

"Yeah..." She trailed.

Michael and Calum leaves the two of us alone and she gets up to take a seat at the counter in the kitchen.



"You sure you're okay?"

"No. I'm not. I just can't get over him. And the dreams? They don't help me with my problems at all." She whispered.

"Listen. I need to let you know something." I said unsure of what to say.


"It's about Ashton." Her body tensed at the sound of his name.


"He wanted me to give you this." I pulled out the paper and gave it to her.

'(Y/n) wife? Yes she is and she will be. We've been through so much but yet here I am with the most beautiful person in the world. She's imperfect but In my world she's perfect. She's playing with the flowers on our hill that we met at. I'm watching her smile and laugh. It's the best thing to watch- ever. I am madly in love with her and she doesn't even know it yet. She's all that I've ever wanted. Yet here I am with her in my arms sleeping. I plan on taking her out to dinner to propose. I'm ready. If she says no then I'll be okay with that because id rather get hurt by the person that I love rather than some no body. There will be roses and the boys right there by my side supporting me. I love her and I know that she loves me too. I don't need her to let me know because she shows it and that's the only thing keeping me sane. Her. No one could ever replace her. And if you're reading this I love you (y/n) don't forget that. Take care of the boys for me and always keep me with you. Xx Ashton.'

Tears were streaming down her face and I held her.

"When will the pain go away?" She whispered into my shirt.

"It's okay (y/n), it's okay.."

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