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☾ OMG GUYS I HAVE 10K READS! I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO! THANK YOU ALL SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO MUCH! Also look at the gif! It's so hot! Ashtons body, Calum's body! Lord it's a good day *Sobs*☽ 

I'd like to personally thank

☁  Im_A_Mystery_2022 ☁

☁ @Ashtonirwinismababy ☁

☁ @alexisawerido ☁

☁ @jessie_5sos2 ☁

☾ Thank you, you always leave nice comments and you are all active. I love you guys. Also to those who vote on my imagines, I thank you all as well. Every single one of you are absolutely amazing. I'm gonna leave you all alone now and let you read on lol. ☽

☾ Have any ideas you want me to write? Just comment down to the side and let me know? Want another imagine book? Keep the votes up and you got it! Bye babes! ☽


"I don't think this is a good idea.." You say looking to your boyfriend who had the biggest grin on his face as if he were a kid on Christmas day.

"Babe, it's a great idea," He tries to reassure me as we finish prepping for what was to come.

"It is but do you not understand what we're up against?" I ask, tying the last item and placing it into the bin.

"I do," He says with a smile.

"Dammit Ashton," You mutter before taking your shirt off, with him doing the same. You wore a tank top and he wore a plain white one. He removes his bandanna and let his golden waves free.

"Ready?" You nod and smile, he slides the door open and you run out, shooting Michael in his chest. He falls out of the lounge chair. Ashton throws a balloon that hits Calum straight in the chest that makes him fall into the pool. Luke looks scared with his mouth stuffed with a burger. Me and Ashton look to each other before nodding. Ashton throws a balloon to Luke's stomach and I shoot him in his parts, the freezing water, causing him to hold on to his lower region to warm it up. Calum's eyes are formed in slits as he watch us from inside the pool. Arms being propped up from the places you can get out. His dark hair is soaked in pool water. I look to Ashton, fear running through my body looking at Calum. Oh shit. Michael gets up, blond hair disheveled and damp. He throws the paper down and tosses his phone to the side.

"Oh, sweetheart, you are going to wish you never did that," Michael says, voice low and thick from his clear accent. I feel my legs shake at the sight of them and he smirks at me. When I see Michael remove the towel on his lounge chair, I realize that it's a water gun. Oh shit.

"Run," Is all Ashton says and you take off running. Michael throws a gun to Calum and one to Luke's feet. Calum uses his hands to push against the concrete to get out of the pool, tan body glowing under the suns beams as the water from the pool, flows off of his body. He takes the gun and pumps it a few times. He's looking to me and I feel my heart drop. Shit.

"(Y/n)," I'm gonna get you first." Is all he says.

"My burger is soggy," Luke deadpans, placing it onto the paper plate on the table nearby the tree that shaded his bright body. He picks up the gun and glares at me and Ashton.

"Ashton run!" I yell and the boys start spraying us with water as we ran together across the large backyard. We ended up splitting apart. My back is against a tree, hiding from the others. I'm panting heavily. I turn and scream but I end up screaming into the persons hand. I see that it's Ashton and glare at him. His blond waves are now wet and stuck to his forehead and neck. He's laughing and I cover his mouth so they don't hear.

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