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"Ready babe?" Calum asks, strapping his self down.

"Yeah just give me a-" You stop mid-sentence when he shoots you in the butt. "CALUM!" You scream and he laughs before running away into the playing field. You strap yourself down before running off in the direction he went in. You turn the block and see no one there. The man operating the game turned the mic on.

"Three, two, one-" The lights go off and I am left alone in the dark. My heart is pounding in my fucking chest to this new found paranoia. I instantly back into a wall when I hear footsteps and hold my gun to my chest as the person walks by. I start moving slowly, seeing it wasn't Calum but someone else instead. I aim the gun at the persons back and shoot, seeing them arch their back from the pain and dropping to the floor.

"FUCK!" The guy yells before being attacked by someone else. Right as I'm about to aim and shoot the new person- someone beats me to it from the corner. More people were coming out. I hear a low chuckle and realize it belonged to no one else but the fucking dark haired Aussie him self.


I quickly run behind the block and press my body against it. I hear footsteps and decide to climb the block to get a better view. I see two people below me as I laid on my stomach and I see someone else standing up on top of a block shooting someone below them. I aim my gun before they get the chance to see me and shoot them in the arm. They drop their gun and look around to see who done it. I shoot their arm again and they fall off of the platform. I tense up when I feel someones presence beside me and tense up. I turn around slowly seeing Calum right there with a smirk on his face.

"Well hello sweetheart." He says and my eyes goes wide. He gets on top of me and smiles wider. "Any last words?" He asks, but doesn't notice when I move my gun slowly to his leg.

"I'm sorry," He gives me a questionable look but is replaced by one of pain when I squeeze the trigger. He falls off of me and holds onto his crotch.

"Shit!" He cursed. I quickly jump down and run off, feeling someone chaise me. It wasn't Calum so I kept running before making a sharp turn around the corner and turning back in time pulling the trigger, hitting the person in the leg.

"Fuck!" The guy holds onto his leg and wobbles off. I hear the sound of another gun and take off running again before I find myself on the floor. I quickly turn around to see a woman middle aged, looking down at me with disappointment. She takes my hand and helps me back up.

"Damn it. I thought you were my husband," I laugh and her eyes goes wide. "DUCK!"

I duck and she shoots the person in the chest. I turn around and shoot the person too. I take off running and I get shot in the back by the person laying on the floor. "Shit!" I yell before slowing down. I turn another corner and run right into Calum. He sees me and shoots my leg. "Ahh!" I say before my leg gives out. I shoot his from where I laid and he holds onto it before shooting me again but on my other leg, "Calum!" I scream as he laughs. He crawls to me and whispers in my ear.

"I didn't plan on making you scream from this," I knee him in the chest and start crawling off. He shoots me in the ass again and I yell.

"Fuck you Calum!" I yell trying to feel my ass to see if it was still there because I couldn't feel it. Calum is laughing and I shoot him in the chest, making his plain white shirt have a splat of green. I laugh and he starts shooting my arm. I fall back and my gun drops to the floor. I use my other hand to hold my injured arm while Calum takes that opportunity to take my gun. I groan in defeat seeing the look of success on his face. He shoots my thigh and my other arm, making me release my injured arm. Soreness and numbness is all over my body as he shoots my legs, making sure I can't get up. "Dammit Cal it hurts!" I yell, seeing someone behind him. They shoot him in the back and he groans in pain, arching his back forward. They then shoot his leg and it gives out. Another shot at his back and another one on his leg. He drops his guns and falls onto me, making me wince in pain.

"Fuck!" He groans and I squeeze my eyes shut in pain.

"Calum!" I yell and he fake cries.

"It hurts!" He yells into my neck, Aussie accent getting thicker. I laugh feeling his dark curls tickle my face. He finally gets up when the sirens go off and the lights turn on.

"Okay, time's up! Head back to the station!" The man announces and I smile looking to Calum. He gets up, doing a little push up to boost his self off of me and begins to walk away.

"Cal!" I yell and he turns back. He's splattered in paint, all different colors, soaked his tee.

"What?" He asks seeing me still down.

"I can't move," I say seeing a smile spread across his face. He picks me up and I wince in pain, hearing him chuckle.

"Shut up Hood,"


Once we made it home, we both decide on taking a bath together and ordering takeout for Chinese. 

We're now in the bedroom, laid on the bed. Calum is stretched out with his head rested on my legs.

I run my fingers through his dark hair and twirl the loose curls that I find. His eyes are closed and he's holding onto my wrists.

"I have bruises now," I say, breaking the silence. He breaks into a smile and I tug on his hair. "Not funny." I deadpan seeing his brown eyes open to look into mine.

"Sorry babe," He says kissing my thigh since it was right next to him.

"But look!" I whined showing him all of the bruises marked on my arms. He tries his best not to laugh but fails. "Cal!" I whine and he sits up. He takes my bruised arms and starts leaving trails of kisses on them. He keeps going until he meets my lips.

"I'm sorry baby," I melt and scream internally before rolling my eyes at him. "Will you forgive me?" He asks, kissing my neck.

"Fine, but you still suck,"

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