Ashton Imagine

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your pov

"I love you so much." Ashton said to me as he leaned in and kissed me under the pink blossom tree where we first met but how he said it was so sweet and genuine except I felt like there was more to it and it made my heart swell and cry happy tears..I knew in that moment that I was in love with him..


"I'm sorry I-I- didn't mean to make you cry!" He said in a panicking tone. It was so cute how he would think that he'd hurt me when all he's ever done to me was make me happy without even trying. It was everything about him that made me have a reason to wake up in the morning to. I was in love and I never ever want to let something as fragile as his beautiful heart and soul go.


"Ash, it's fine. I'm just really happy that I have someone as special as you." I said with fresh tears running down my face except they weren't happy ones this time. I got up and was about to run away but Ashton was quick enough to grab my wrist from where he was sitting.


"What's wrong? Where are you going?" He asked with confusion and worry written on his beautiful face.


"I-you-you don't deserve me...I just don't think I'm the right one for you." I said as the tears continued to run down my cheeks.


"What? That's ridiculous and you know it." He said with his eyes making contact with mine and rubbing my hand before he continued.


"And I chose you for a reason." He said smiling and showing off his cute little dimples at the same time which made him look really adorable.


"You did?" I said a little disappointed because I felt like he only liked me out of pity and I told him before and he always said the same sweet thing.

"I chose you because every time I look into those breathtaking (y/e/c) I know that you were the one and that I'd love you. Forever." He said as I ran into his arms again crying tears of awe and the feeling that I never want to loose him because he was the one. Always and forever.


We laid on the soft grass underneath our tree again but this time our fingers were laced together and my head was laid on his chest. Then we watched the sunset like always.

"I love you Ash." I said softly but loud enough for him to hear it.

"I know." He replied smiling to his-self staring down at the girl he'll love forever.

"No, I mean it." I said now looking up at him before kissing him on the lips slowly before pulling away and savoring the taste of his small soft lips.

"Okay I can't wait anymore." Ashton said grinning really hard.

"Wait for what?" I questioned him looking at him with confusion on my face.

"I'm taking you out tonight." He said confidently and squeezing my small hand that was safely in his bigger one.


"Okay where are we going then?" I asked smiling.

"It's a surprise. Wear something cute." He said smiling with his teeth now and his dimples getting deeper if that was even possible and his captivating green eyes sparkling with love as he stared at me taking in my same features that he loved endlessly.

"Okay go get ready." He said sweeping me off of my feet and carrying me home the whole time never getting tired.

"Go get dressed beautiful I'll text you the address." He said at my front door now leaning in and giving me a slow passionate kiss.

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