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Celebrity Crushes

Calum- Katy Perry 

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Calum- Katy Perry 

It was me, Calum and the boys currently watching t.v when a commercial of Katy Perry comes on and all of the boys are in a trance.

"God she's so hot." Michael says while looking at her

"Yeah." Luke says

"The things I'd do to her." Calum says and I felt my face redden from embarrassment.

"Yeah." Ashton trails off, licking his lips.

"She'd be great in bed.." Calum said as the other boys agreed.

What can I say- she's perfect. I on the other hand am not. I'm insecure, short and weird. I sighed and got up to go to the room. Calum didn't even notice. A few minutes later the door opens and it's Calum.

"Hey." He said

"Hi.." I trailed off, not looking at him while scrolling through my phone.

"Why did you leave?" He asked concerned, taking a seat at the foot of the bed.

"No reason." I lied, shrugging the topic off.

"Come on (y/n) I'm not dumb. I know when you're lying." He says before taking the phone from my hands to see Katy Perry on the screen.

"Uhh." He started, "What are you doing looking at Katy Perry in a bikini?" His eyes were furrowed as he glances at me and the photo, "I mean I don't mind or anything-"

"That's the thing Calum," I say getting up from the bad, sighing and taking my phone from him.

"What do you mean?" He was focused, trying to think as if it weren't the most obvious thing in the world.

"Calum, you are obsessed with her and every time you see her on tv or on social media, you go crazy!" I explain.

"I don't see the problem with that." He replied walking to me.

"If you love her that much, then why waste your time with me?" I say, avoiding his eyes. He takes my phone away from me and tosses it on the bed.

"Look at me," He says and I ignore him. "Look," He says more sternly this time. I look up, meeting his big puppy brown eyes that watched me tentatively.

"Am I with her now?" He asks and I move from him, thinking he's messing with me. "Hey," He takes my hand and pulls me towards him. "I'm not joking, am I with her." He states more than asks, seriousness taking over his features. I shake my head. "You know why?" He asks and I shake my head again. "Well I found someone waaaay better than her, in every way." I try to hide my smile but failed. "You know what happened when I found that someone?" I shook my head once more, "I fell in love with her and I still am in love with her." I smile and give him a hug, burring my face on his chest. He sighs, hugging me back. When we separate he gives me a kiss. "I'm deeply in love with you (Y/n)," He says and I smile kissing his lips over and over again. He laughs into the kiss and pulls us to the bed. "Now let's let the boys hear how much I love you." He says and I let out a laugh kissing him again before falling onto the bed.

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