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☾ Author's Note: Do I have any directioners reading this? If so hiiiiii lol  



"Luke you're being ridiculous," You roll your eyes walking away from him.

"No I'm not," He defends, taking your wrist to stop you.

"You're overlooking the situation," You simply state.

"You're overlooking the situation,"


"(Y/n)," You sigh, walking upstairs to get away from the party.

"Bye Luke," You say once you're inside some vacant room.

"No, just admit that I'm right," You turn to him, giving him a are you fucking kidding me look.

"Well you're not so-"

"So what?" He says walking closer to you.

"So you are over reacting, Luke."

"You're joking right now, right?" He asks.

"Do you see a smile on my face?" You ask with your arms crossed over your chest.

"You're being ridiculous." He deadpanned.

"And you're being dramatic,"

"We're not doing this right now,"

"Doing what? You started it," You say in a matter of fact tone.

"Really?! I started it?! (Y/n), he was undressing you with his eyes!" He says, throwing his arms up to show off his frustration.

"Luke! He's just a friend!"


You sigh, going into the restroom that was in the large room. You could still feel the music vibrating beneath you as you run your fingers through your wavy hair that you spent hours on to make.

"What are you doing?" He asks, stepping behind you in the vacant room.

"Minding my own business Luke,"

"You're upset,"

"No shit,"

"(Y/n), I don't want to fight,"

"Well you should've thought twice before following me here." You brush past him and he grabs your hand to stop you again. You turn around with an annoyed look on your face.

"I love you (Y/n)," You scoff and walk out of the room, leaving him there alone.

I wasn't trying to hurt him. He just pissed me off. He's always like this whenever we go out. People are well aware that we're together but every time a guy comes around, he assumes that their hitting on me and then he'll second guess the clothes that I wear and consider them 'too revealing' I roll my eyes of the thought and go back to the party. I just so happen to bump into that guy that Luke was talking about that was also my friend.

"Dave!" I say giving him a hug.

"Hey! I was looking for you!" He pulls away and guides us to the dance floor.

"Sorry I was held up,"

"Was it that guy again?"

"Yeah, that guy just so happens to be my boyfriend so.." You trail and he laughs, shaking his head.


"Oh nothing," He says a little too coolly.

"What Dave," He puts his drink down and smiles at you.

"Nothing, it's just that you can do way better than him," You frown, disagreeing with him.

"As much of a pain in the ass he is- I love him so I think he is the better overall- considering my past relationships," You explain and he smiles.

"Okay," He looks around, looking bored, "Wanna dance?" He asks, taking your hand.

"It is a party, right?" You ask and he laughs.




Dave and I were having a blast. I haven't seen Luke and I realized that me and him were no longer on the dance floor. It was more dark but the music was still clear in the background.

"Dave what are you doing?" I ask as he grinds on my ass. He wraps his arms around my waist to the point of him squeezing it. "Dave!" You try to shove him off of you but it wasn't working.

"Come on, he doesn't have to know," He says referring to Luke and you realize that he was right. He tries to kiss up your neck that makes you cringe.

"I said stop it," You elbowed him in the stomach and he lets you go. He takes your wrist and pulls you to him.

"You're not going anywhere," He growled and you gasp, kneeing him in the balls. He immediately drops to the floor and you see Luke. You brush past him and walk outside to the front to be alone.

"Ready to leave?" He asks softy instead of saying I told you so. You nod and take his hand.


The ride home was silent. When you got inside you stripped out of your dress and put on one of Luke's band tees. You sigh, putting your wavy hair into a bun. Luke comes in, minutes later admiring you.

"Don't say it," You sigh, tossing pillows to the side to prepare for bed. Luke's face twists into one of confusion as he watch you fix the bed.

"Say what?" You throw the pillow down on the bed and turn to him. He was speaking so gentle to you.

"Don't play dumb Luke," You say, getting ready to throw another pillow down, forcefully.

"Hey, don't take it out on the pillows," He joked, trying to lighten the mood. He takes the pillow from you and tosses it across the bed.

"I'm sorry Luke," You sigh, pulling him to you to hug. He wore a dark dress shirt with black pants and boots.

"It's okay," He smiles pulling you in to his chest.

"No it's not, I feel terrible for how I treated you tonight," You exclaim, running your hands over your face.

"Hey, it's okay, I understand,"


"It's okay," He says slowly, making me face him to look into his deep blue eyes.

"I don't deserve you,"

"Don't talk like that," You stand up as he looks at you with hurt eyes.

"But it's true! Look at all the pain I've put you through tonight!"

"Hey, that was only tonight, tomorrows another day," He pulls you into him and you sigh, smelling his sweet scent. It smelled of axe and aftershave even though he had a visible beard and mustache that looked oh so sexy on him.

"I love you Luke," You say, snuggled in his neck.

"I love you too, (Y/n),"

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