Monique's Mate

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Monique was anxiously awaiting her first shift. She was slightly nervous but knew it had nothing to do with her shift. Her wolf was in constant communication with her, even though she hadn't shifted yet. She came to her in dreams, showing her all of her mate, except his face.

She longed for a mate to love her. Not that she had any lack of love, quite the opposite. She had both her parents, who were both blood born Alphas, and two little brothers, whom she adored. She also had her best friend, partner in crime and fave big cousin, Anthony. Along with two aunts, two uncles, a grandad and three grandmothers! Along with two other younger cousins.

Her family was extremely close and she loved each and every one of them. About as much as she loved her Pack. Her father and uncle groomed her from birth to be a great Alpha and she wouldn't let them down. Along with her mate, they'd rule with love, just as her parents had!

Her wolf was constantly telling her that she was ready to find her mate and Monique agreed! She couldn't wait to meet him and just knew that they'd live happily ever after. What she really wanted, more than anything, was to carry his pups!

After long talks with her wolf and her mother, she knew she was ready to be a mom. She wanted at least five children with her mate but her wolf said maybe more! It made her excited every time they spoke about it. At first she was afraid to tell her mom but her wolf said mom would understand.

During the talk she learned a lot about her parents and their meeting. She had no idea that Auntie Mo and her mom had met their mates on the same night. Her mom didn't even know werewolves existed before that night. It was a crazy story but her mom gave her some good advice and eased her worries.

"Your wolf is very strong and very smart. If she's already speaking to you that is a sure sign that you are going to be very strong. Listen to her baby because she only wants the best for you. You might not understand what is going to happen but she does." she told her.

So from then on she listened. When ever her wolf had something to say, she obliged. But on the night of her first shift all she offered was support. She wouldn't tell her why it was that she was so scared of this night. Why was her wolf pacing around in her mind but not telling her what was wrong, like she would normally do?

All these questions went away as the pain started. After that long painful shift she let out her very first howl. It was so powerful it shook everyone around her and they all looked at each other in wonder. Her mother, Mya, gripped her mates hand tighter and a little confused.

Where did all that power come from? Yeah both her parents were Alpha's but not that powerful. Which of her bloodlines did it originate in? But that had to wait because their daughter officially became a grown she wolf and they would celebrate with her.

Of course her grandmothers handled all the cooking for the mini party they planned that night. So what it was now almost sunrise and they were just getting done? Monique had the best birthday ever. Plenty of presents but none compared to the ring her father gave her to match her necklace.

He gave her that necklace on her tenth birthday and she cherished it. It was just like her moms and they both wore them every day! It was funny to see Mya get jealous of the ring. Guess her mate will be at the jeweler's again, and soon.



For 18 years he's had to deal with these poor excuses of parents. All they did was get drunk and talk shit to him. He was such a failure in their eyes yet he'd done nothing wrong. The only thing he'd done was be born and he couldn't take blame for that.

He lived with his parents in a small town up in Oregon. Their town was between the territories of two powerful Alphas. To his South there was the CAVE Pack's territory. They resided in California but had bought land up here. Miles didn't know much about them only what Jon had told him.

Jon was by far his best friend and he belonged to the Fire Pack, which was to the North of Miles. Jon was the only person he knew from that pack, even though this is the pack his parents used to belong to. Long story short, they got kicked out when his mom, the Alpha's mate, cheated with his dad.

They weren't killed because even though the Alpha hated what she did, he could never hurt her. But they couldn't go any where near Fire Pack territory and so Miles stayed far away from both. He couldn't wait to leave this place and those people.

Yeah he'd be a rouge but wasn't he already one? His parents didn't join another pack, just moved into the mostly human town. He can't remember when exactly Jon befriended him but he'd be forever grateful. Jon would be the only thing he misses about this place.

Miles too communicated with his wolf at an early age. But not before his first shift. He actually shifted a bit early, like by two years. His wolf not being able to stand the constant abuse and pain Miles' parents inflicted on him, came out and dealt with them.

One death, his father, caused his mother to distance herself from her son. She felt it was his fault that her husband was killed. Even though he wasn't her mate, she loved him dearly. The abuse was just his way of making a man out of Miles, she never expected for her son to go as far as to kill her man.

But Miles didn't care, he wanted her to hate him. That would just make it easier to leave. And that's what he planned to do now that he was 18. But that night, when his first shift should've came, he still felt the pain. For two hours his body whithered in pain of a first shift but his wolf didn't come out.

It wasn't until a loud, longing howl ripped through the night, that Miles let his wolf take over and come out. Miles directed his wolf away from the howl and further into the woods. He didn't know what was wrong with him today. It should've been one of the best birthdays he'd ever had, but his wolf wasn't happy.

Jon planned a birthday party for him and he'd just ran away from it. He couldn't deal with the emotions his wolf was giving off and just needed to think. Jon soon found him, lying on the forest floor. Could it have been the howl of his mate that he just heard? Well that's what Jon thinks but Miles doesn't think that's such a good thing.

He doesn't want a mate. Not necessarily anyhow, he knows he's not good enough for one. He knows that once he does find her it'll be a quick rejection. Who would want him as a mate? With his parents dreary past and his haunted one, he knows that she won't.

There are a few girls that caught his attention but he never gave into those desires! It felt wrong and Even though he wasn't looking for his mate, he would never disrespect her by being with somone else. Even his wolf is discusted by the idea of not waiting for their mate.

We'll just have to wait and see what happens, is what I often have to tell him. But if I have anything to do with it, we'll never meet her! Only time will tell what the Godess has in store for me and my wolf. I can only hope that the next 18 years will be better than the last.


A/N: Just a little recap for those of you who didn't read Mya's Mate or for anyone who forgot about Miles or Monique's past. The next chapter will start where the last part of Mya's Mate ended, at the party.... Until next time, let me know what you think!!! joyfulnoise.

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