Good News? Or Bad?

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Miles P.O.V

We all decided to ride together in Ant's truck. Monique and I hopped in the back. I didn't think to ask what they were going for, I assumed that being the future Beta couple they needed to be there. I also assumed that Jessie and Mo would be there, as well as Mom.

The drive was pretty quite as we all seemed lost in thought. My thoughts took me back to when I was a child. How I longed for a real family, with parents who actually cared about you. I thought stuff like that only happened in the movies, until I met my mates family.

They've opened not only their homes but also their hearts, even after I told them about my past. Now it's like that past takes on a whole different meaning. The things he did and said have my blood boiling over now because he really had no right to say them. Seeing as how he isn't my dad after all.

The questions that boggle my mind are, what about my mom? What was her role in all of this, if she's known the truth all along? Why would she let him do and say those things to me? And more importantly, if I was that much of a bother, why didn't she just leave me with Alpha Mike?

Monique presses a firm grip on my hand to alert me that we're here and when I look at her, all my nerves go away. I'm ready for anything, as long as she's by my side. It's like we're so in-tune with each other now that I feel closer to her than ever. I'm actually looking forward to completing the process!

"Miles, you good man?" Ant asks as the girls lead the way inside.

"Yea," I start but am stopped dead in my tracks by his scent. It reminds me of my mother and although I know she isn't stupid enough to step foot in this house, I can't stop the nerves as I make my way through the door.

"Miles?" Ant says.

"I'm good. Where's Monique?" I look around dazed as we step further inside.

"They went ahead. You sure you good?"

"Yea, just ready for this to be over with."

Silence consumes us as we make our way over to Marcus' office. I can smell them through the door and am starting to have second thoughts about going in. As if she can feel my distress, Monique is at my side in an instant. Oh well, here goes nothing.

After a small knock, Marcus tells us to enter. In the office are Marcus, Mom and another man, all standing around. The man in which this meeting centers around. We all step inside, cautiously, the tension growing thicker and thicker.

"Anthony, Carmen." Marcus spoke first. "You can wait outside. I'll call you in shortly."

They said nothing, as they walked out the door. The loud sound echoing off the walls of the office. I looked to Mom and her smile was as reassuring as my mates. Marcus' face was void of any emotions and that made me a little nervous. 

My gaze finally landed on the person I wanted to avoid the most. When our eyes locked, I knew and so did he. He face softened and his eyes were coated with sadness. But as the silence continued among us, that sadness was replaced by joy.

My wolf had inwardly acknowledged his as Alpha and a dad, but I didn't know if I could. Monique grabbed my hand and led me over to the couch, opposite the desk.  As soon as we sat, they all did too, with mom coming to take a seat next to me. Putting me in the middle of her and Monique.

"Well then. We all know why we're here. Who would like to speak first?" Marcus' said when the silence became to much.

Mike and I locked eyes and dropped our heads at the same time. Huh, guess he doesn't really like sharing emotions either. I looked to Monique and she nodded her head for me to go. At the same time, Mom gave my arm a slight squeeze, but just enough to give me courage.

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