The Big News

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Monique's P.O.V

I woke the next morning smiling widely, while Miles just laughed. I had a feeling that he's been up for a while, probably perving on my naked body! He smiled and leaned in, his lips barely a breathe away from mine. I closed my eyes anticipating the kiss, but it never came. Instead when I opened my eyes, he was just staring at me.

"No good morning kiss?" I teased, when I noticed his laugh trying to spill out.

"Oh, I want to give you more than a good morning kiss!" he smirked.

He ground his hips over mine and the pleasure started up, as well as my scent of arousal. His nose took in a deep breathe and when his eyes opened, his wolf was at the forefront. I gently stroked his cheek, just admiring his features. He really was handsome, and all MINE!

"Your thoughts are going to be the death of me woman!" 

His voice was gruff and I knew his wolf had taken over. It's very easy for him to come out, especially with the state I'm in. My wolf was eagerly pushing for me to let her take control, but I held back, wanting to spend time with Miles' wolf.

"Are you happy? You know, being with me and my wolf?" I asked him softly, never taking my eyes off him.

"Extremely! You've helped Miles so much and you show me just as much love. I'm forever grateful to the both of you for accepting us! Plus you're giving us our first pup!" 

This time his voice was strong and sincere and I could see the twinkle of happiness dancing around in his eyes. I smiles brightly, bringing his lips down to mine. Finally done trying to battle with my wolf, I started to give her control. Only to be brought back to reality by what he just said.

"Miles? I need to talk to Miles!" I said, a little more authoritative than I wanted to .

"What is it? Did we hurt you?" 

Miles' eyes scanned by body, starting and ending with my lips. I held back my laugh at his worry and brought his lips onto mine again. He smiles against my mouth, finally calming his nervousness of me being hurt. I returned his smile, pushing him off me and sitting upright.

"My wolf is a little upset that you made him go away. So I'd get to explaining why you stopped him, seeing as you aren't hurt!" Miles added in, once he sat upright next to me.

"Well he just reminded me of something." I said nonchalantly.

"What is it?" Miles demanded.

"We're going to be parents!" I sang, laughing as the confusion and slight anger left his face. 

In it's place was a huge smile and his eyes dropped down to my stomach. He pulled my shirt up and exposed my still flat tummy. Running his hands over it, he closed his eyes and took in a deep breathe. I sat in wonder until I felt our link open up. But it was different this time, like an extra line had been added. I gasped in shock and listened in as Miles had opened up this new connection to me. 

"What? How?" I asked in shock, not sure what had just happened.

"It's our baby. I seem to be able to communicate with him easily." Miles said, a little confusion lacing his voice.

"So it's true. We're gonna have a baby?" I said, trying to hold back my tears.

"Yes baby! We're having a baby!" 

His voice was filled with joy and pride and I swear I loved him more in that instant. I know we've talked about kids, as well as some complaining, but now that our dreams are coming true, the feeling is so much more than I would've ever dreamed.  I didn't stop the tears this time, nor did I want to. They were simply tears of happiness!

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