Wolf Revelations

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Miles' P.O.V

Dinner was weird to say the least. First off, Jon and his family all bowed as Monique and I fully entered the living room. They watched us and catered to us, even when it got to the point of annoying. Ant and Carmen seemed indifferent about their behavior, but I could feel through our connection, that their Beta wolves were on high alert.

It may have been the fact that Jon's aunt and husband weren't in CAVE Pack. They didn't belong to any pack, which was usually unheard of nowadays. Rouges would be the proper term, but they were too kind and actually asked a lot of questions about our pack. They seemed interested in it and I invited them for a visit on our pack lands.

Or they could've sensed that something was off with Mo. She hadn't really spoken much, aside from when someone spoke to her. But most disturbing were the glances that Jon kept giving my mate. At first they were subtle and I didn't care. But as the night progressed, his looks were coming more often and for longer periods of time. Let's just say my wolf didn't like it, at all!

"Thanks again for dinner,  Mr and Mrs. Ware." I said, bringing my thoughts from Jon's roaming eyes.

"You're quite welcome Alpha. If I may call you that?" Mrs. Ware asked coyly.

I just smiled and nodded my head, once to her and once to her husband. Both their eyes twinkled with acceptance and it oddly felt like they were hoping I'd accepted them. The girls volunteered to help with the clean up and Mr. Ware excused himself to have a smoke. Jon, Ant and I walked out into the backyard, opposite of Mr. Ware.

"So Alpha, huh? Who would've thought." Jon laughed out.

"It's crazy right. Who knew, I'd be an Alpha one day? But you know what Jon? It just feels right. Having Monique by my side, makes me see myself in a whole new light." I gushed out my feelings, something I was never able to hide from Jon.

He didn't respond and when I looked at him I met the sadness in his eyes. I reached my hand out to his shoulder and he lifted his head to look at me. I tried searching for an answer to his sudden change of mood, but came up empty.

"Jon, you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah and No. Look I got something to tell you and I don't know how, so I'll just spit it out. I think Monique is my mate."

Before mate could cross fully from his lips, I had my hands around his neck, successfully lifting him off of his feet. I heard Ant trying to calm me and my wolf, but it was no use. How dare he insinuate that my mate was his!

"Would you like to rephrase that?" my wolf spoke threw me.

"I,..I'm just saying...."

He couldn't really talk and I know that had a lot to do with the amount of pressure I was applying to his neck. But I didn't care, nor did I release him. Then, I felt her before I saw her and my wolf calmed a little. But stupid Jon had to ruin  it by pleading with my mate for help! I felt her wrap her arms around me and the whispers of love in my mind, but my wolf was seeing red right now. And if I wasn't careful Jon would suffer the same fate as my mother's little boy toy.

"Miles?" her voice spoke out loud.

Instantly I calmed and drew my wolf back in, still not releasing Jon from my grasp.

"Why does this fool seem to think that he has any sort of claim on you?" I asked Monique, but kept my eyes on Jon.

"Well..." she started and I dropped Jon to the ground to face her. Her eyes were shifting back and forward and she wouldn't look at me. I took her hands in mine and sent her all the love and respect I had for her, threw our link. She smiled a little and finally met my eyes.

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