The Plan

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Mile's P.O.V

I don't know why I let Jon talk me into this, again! The party last night was a disaster. I didn't dance, I barely drank and right after midnight, I left. It just wasn't my scene. So for the life of me, I can't remember why I agreed to another one tonight.

Jon came by earlier saying he was throwing another party tonight. It was going to be at some girls house. He said that I'd met her before but I had no memory of it. I hardly ever gave a girl a second look, so I knew it was a lost cause to try to remember.

Carmen was part of the Fire Pack also but her family lived in my town. I never asked why, it wasn't something I wanted to know. All I did know was that Jon said he had a few of his other friends coming and that I should meet them.

I was already dressed and waiting for Jon to pick me up. I stood in the front door, looking through the window, when my mom came stumbling up the walk way. She was one person I've tried to avoid these last couple of years.

She was rarely home and for that I was grateful. Her attitude towards me had gotten worse and even though I didn't show it, her words hurt. She walked into the front door and her attention was on me. The look of disgust clear as day on her face.

"What are you still doing here?" she spat out. I stayed quiet and staring out the window. "I want you out of my home, now!"

I didn't respond, I never did, just walked out the front door. I hoped that by the time I got home, she'd be asleep. I've been planning on leaving soon, just didn't know where to go. But with her nastiness at an all time high, I knew it'd be sooner rather than later.

Jon pulled up a few minutes after I walked out. I hoped in the passenger seat and got a strong sniff of something horrible. I turned in my seat to see two girls in the back seat, ones I've never seen before. I looked at Jon and he had that same goofy smile on his face.

"What's up bro? Ready for tonight?" He asked, while driving away from my house.


"Well these are my friends, Lisa and Nia. Girls this is Miles." Jon said.

"Hey Miles." the girls responded at the same time.


It got quiet after that and I was regretting coming along. But the only other place I would be was at home and now that she was there, I was glad I had plans. We pulled up to a nice looking house and everybody hopped out. Jon was hyphed. But me, not so much. I didn't understand how  being around a bunch of horny, drunken people, equalled fun.

We walked in I saw a lot of unfamiliar faces. The place was beyond packed, way more people than at my party. Jon was stopped at the entrance by some girl, but I kept walking. I ended up in the kitchen and what I saw made my wolf angry.

I couldn't see her face but I could tell by her body language that she didn't want this guys attention. Their bodies were chest to chest but her hands were trying to push him away. I could hear her plea's over all the loud music and she wanted him to stop.

"I don't think she wants you." I said casually as if I was talking to Jon. The guy looked over his shoulder and I could tell that his wolf was almost completely in control. Goodie, my wolf was itching for a confrontation.

"What?" he growled out, but not letting his grip on the girl go.

"I said, let her go. Now." my wolf wanted out and I would let him, just as soon as he let her go.

His grip loosened enough for her to slip out and she ran. When I heard the faint sound of her going up the stairs. I didn't need a  mirror to see that my wolf was in full control now, the boys face told it all. He threw his hands up in surrender and backed out of the kitchen. I took a few deep breathes, trying to gain control back.

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