The Meet and Greet

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Miles P.O.V

I was nervous as hell as we crossed into their quaint territory. But my mate held firm to my hand and her calmness, at coming home, started to relax me. Her smile was so big, I thought it would burst at any moment. And from no where she giggled.

"Sorry," she said to no in particular. "Dad said that our moms are getting impatient and irritating."

"Uh oh. You know what that means Mo?" Ant said smirking at me in the rear view mirror.

"Yep! Our mates won't be able to breathe for at least and hour or two, from our mothers alone!" she laughed out and both Carmen and I flinched.

Her and Ant continued to laugh but soon comforted us. Letting us know that they'd be there with us the entire time. They were right of course and two women were standing in the middle of the driveway. As if they were meeting us half way.

'Do you know which one is my mom?' Monique asked in my head.

'How did you get in my head? We haven't mated yet?' I asked in total surprise.

'I don't know. My wolf said to try and I did. And it was easy.' She smiled and looked at up.

'Okay. The taller one, she seems more calm. As if she assessing the entire situation, like you sometimes.'

She didn't reply just turned back to face them as Ant pulled the car to a stop. Once we were all out, they attacked and we were practically ripped from out mates. Their mothers taking turns greeting us and giving us a closer assessment.

Once they both seemed okay with us we were allowed to join our mates and meet our future father in laws. They stood shoulder to shoulder looking rather intimidating. But I wouldn't waver, I made Monique a promise that I wouldn't question her loyalty, so I wouldn't give her a reason to doubt my devotion to her.

I stepped forward first and extended my hand to my her father, who she looked just like. He stood tall, arms at his side and in a relaxed stare. He eyed Monique for a second but I kept my eyes on him. Not in a challenge but in a form of respect.

"Miles Taylor. Nice to meet you sir." I waited, at least a full minute, before he brought his hand into mine. The atmosphere relaxed tremendously when Monique came to grasp my other hand.

"Stop Daddy." she said out loud, with a slight giggle.

"Ok. Nice to meet you Miles. Alpha Marcus, but you can just call me Marcus."

And from there greetings went around accordingly, as we met each set of parents and siblings. Soon we were all ushered inside and directed to the dinning room. I didn't really have and appetite but the smell of food caught my stomach. As it growled out, I earned a light laugh from my mate and her mother took me away again. Practically running to the kitchen.

Before me sat a table full of every thing I could think of. Meats, vegetables, soups, salads, biscuits, rolls and gravy. Lots of gravy. My mouth was salivating as my mates mother sat me down and started on my plate.

She put on a little of everything, all the while talking to herself. I looked to her mate and she was eyeing her dad. When I looked at the Alpha he was mouthing 'sorry' to my mate. I was amused at how they acted and it didn't bother me one bit. I wanted to know all there was about my mate, especially about the ones she loves.

"If you need anything else you just let me know, okay?" she said before rising away from me.

"Okay. Thank you ma'am." I replied.

"Don't ma'am me, it's Mya. Call me Mya." she said then surprised me further by placing a soft kiss on my forehead. It felt comfortable and soothing. It wasn't uncomfortable and when I looked to the Alpha he nodded in approval.

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