The Prophecy

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Book of Werewolves: Volume II- Packs, Laws, & Facts

Section 7- The Prophecy

It is written that on the same day, in a year not yet known, that there will be born unto our kind, a mated couple like no other. They will meet on the 18th year of their birth and form one of the most important bonds known to wolves everywhere.

This couple will be gifted with a bond stronger and more durable than any other couple before them. They will be able to communicate mentally, feel the others emotions and posses the ability to lead. All before the mating bond is complete. The bond only considered complete once both wolves have marked the other.

They will be born with Alpha genes, from either or maybe both parents. Maybe even having the ability to shift before normal werewolf maturity would allow. Or be able to communicate with their wolf before shifting occurs.

At the same time that this couple is nearing the completion of their bond, a small army will start to form. It will be this army that will be the greatest enemy of all werewolves. They will believe that it's up to them to stop the couple from doing the one thing they were destined to do. To reproduce.

For it will be the first born child of this couple that the werewolf community will rely on. This heir will be the future for all our kind. If he or she succeeds they will become the first King or Queen of wolves everywhere. But if they fail, our world will become exposed and forced into extension.

It will be the bring forth the beginning of a new way for our kind. Or it could be the end of all of us. There will be lots of couples who think that they are the ones written about. And lots of doubters when the true couple arises. All we can do is trust that the Goddess shows us the way.

**Further information provided in The Book of Werewolves: Volume IV- Werewolf Legends and Myths**


Monique's P.O.V

I sat next to my mate, completely still, as he read the passage out loud. I'd heard many tales and stories of our history and future, but never this one. How could my dad think that this was about me and Miles?

The room was quiet and all eyes were on us, awaiting our reactions. I studied my mates face, which to everyone else looked nonchalant, but I knew he was deep in thought. Did he think this was true? I tried taking a peek into his mind, but thought better of it.

"Miles, Monique? I know this is a lot to take in right now, but it's true. All of it, and it's about you guys." Dad insisted.

"I don't know Daddy. It all seems to serious to be us. We aren't that special." I said lowly, knowing that everyone heard.

"Excuse us!" Miles spoke next, then grabbed my arm, ushering me out the room.

We walked down a couple of doors and entered the only other soundproof room, Uncle Jessie's office. Well now it was Ant's office, but that really didn't seem to matter at the moment. Miles looks rather pissed right now, but all I can think about is kissing him!

"Monique!" Miles yelled.


"Now's not the time for one of your space out moments. This is serious."

"Sorry babe."

My voice was just above a whisper but I knew he heard. I put my head down and waited for it. Before I could finish my thought, Miles had his arms around me. He kissed my forehead and I raised my head, looking in his beautiful eyes.

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