What Now?

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Carmen's P.O.V.

I was so tired after letting our mothers drag me from store to store, looking for stuff for the baby. It was horrible! They wanted to go down every aisle, of every baby store! My feet are killing me. As if reading my mind, which he probably was, Ant comes over to sit next to me on our bed. He placed my legs in his lap, taking my shoes off, slowly he started to rub my feet. I loved all the extra attention my mate showed me! I, well WE now, are always first in his book!

"Babe, how do you know exactly what I need? Exactly when I need it?" I asked, as I lay back with my eyes closed, enjoying his soft hands relax every muscle in my feet.

"It's my job!"

His voice was so serious and straightforward that it sent a jolt of pleasure through my whole body. Starting at my heart ending in my, now wet, center. He got the picture fast and was lying on top of me in a flash. He hovered over my body and just stared at me. My mother told me the truth was in a man's eyes, especially for werewolves. It was almost impossible to tell a believable lie to your mate.

"Anthony?" I whispered, knowing I'd get both his and his wolf's full attention with the use of his full name.

"Yes." he answered gruffly.

"How much do you love me?" I asked, while staring directly in his eyes.

"More than anything or anybody else. Except maybe our pup, he's equal." He said with a smirk.

"He?" I questioned, with a large smile.

"Yeah, he!"

His voice was firm and I believed him, but didn't want to tell anyone in fear that we'd be wrong. Either way we promised to love and cherish our baby, no matter the sex. At first we were upset when we found out we were only having one pup, but we agreed to try for another soon! We couldn't agree on any names so far, but I knew that as soon as I saw my baby, we'd have a name. Ant being the lovely mate that he was, just agreed. But I know that was only to be able to cross one of the things off our 'To Do- Before the Baby' list.

This shopping trip today was also on the list. My mother and Ant's mother made me promise that we'd go shopping and allow them to buy the baby whatever they wanted. I agreed just to please the grandmothers, but I so regretted it now! They drug me all around town and to a couple of nearby cities. But the look of total pride and adornment towards me and my pup, kind of made it worth it! Plus Malia tagged along, so I had someone to complain too!

"So, what else do you have to say?" he asked as he kissed down my neck, heading towards his mark.

"Umm.." I started but closed my mouth quick at the moan threatening to spill out. I knew our mothers were still in the kitchen, as they'd promised me a home cooked dinner. I tired pushing Ant away, wanting to just rest before dinner, but his wolf only came out fully, overpowering me.

"Mate, don't you love us?" Ant said, well his wolf, but in Ant's voice.

"Of course. I love you both. It's just your pup is taking a lot out of me. So it's a He, you say?" I asked. His eyes softened at the mention of our pup, but he didn't give Ant control back. Instead he scooped me up and brought me to sit on his lap, my stomach between us!

"Yes, it's a He. He's so strong already. I'm sorry for being so pushy, you must be tired. How about we run you a bath before dinner?" he asked, rubbing my stomach but looking in my eyes the whole time.

"Sounds good." I said, kissing his soft lips. The next time I looked into his eyes, Ant was back and he was smiling at me. I smiled back and he brought my body to lay down, hoping out of bed and heading to the bathroom. I lay there awaiting his return, thinking how luck I am to have Ant and his wolf, as my mates.

Monique's MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora