The Truth

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Carmen's P.O.V

After introductions were finished, my mom lead us all to the kitchen for lunch. My mom never seemed so happy to fix a meal and Ant might've found it strange, but it made me smile. It's been a while since anything made her so happy, so whatever it was, I wanted her to keep at it.

Although a small part of me felt guilty, for not mourning my father, like I should be. Of course I was still a bit sad but the more I thought about it, I couldn't bring myself to feel that way anymore. First off there was no way I could've prevented it. It wasn't my fault nor my mothers. And seeing my mom return to her old self makes his death, a gift of sorts, I guess.

Whatever it is, I believe the Godess knew what she was doing and I would go with the flow, without question. I turned to my mate and he was eyeing my mother in suspicion. I tapped into his mind and he was thinking like I was, before she explained it to me.

'Babe, I promise to explain everything later. For now, let's just be happy for my mom. She's really happy.' I tried to explain, but he looked even more confused.

'Happy that her mate died?' he asked shocked.

"Carmen?" my mother called, her back to us, bringing out silent conversation to a halt.

"Yes, mom?"

"It's okay, you can tell him. I'm not embarrassed." she said, never facing us or deferring from the task in front of her.

"Embarrassed about what?"

I turned to see Alpha Mike leaning against the door frame. His eyes were on my mother and I swear I saw a twinkle of happiness there as he watched her. She'd yet to turn around but acknowledged him just the same.

"About what I told you. The truth. Anthony has questions as to why I'm not in mourning, like a she wolf who's lost her mate. I told Carmen she could tell him now, I'm not ashamed nor embarrassed." my mom said.

Alpha Mike didn't say anything, but a large smile tugged at his lips. He walked right over to my mother and placed a soft kiss on her cheek before walking over to lean on the counter in front of Ant and I. His smile was sincere and I felt Ant slightly relax.

Ant's eyes didn't leave my mom and I'm probably the only one who noticed that even though the Alpha sat in front of us, his eyes would often drift to watch my mother. She too seemed oblivious, as she hummed softly, whipping up whatever it was she was making.

I loved her like this, she seemed more like the mom I remember growing up. The one who loved to cook, who taught me to cook and would tuck me into bed at night with a bed time story. I smiled at the memories and turned to my mate. I promised myself that I'd be the best mother I could be to our pups and to make my mate the happiest ever!

Ant's eyes met mine as I sent him my thoughts. His eyes glazed over, lust no where to be found, instead love burst through them. He bent lower and rubbed his nose against mine. The small show of affection causing my eyes to close involuntarily.

'I love you so much Carmen. Forever!' he sent me in my mind.

Before I could think of a reply his mouth was on mine. His lips were already parted and I didn't hesitate to invite him in. The room became only us, as loved surrounded us. Only when we broke apart did I remember that the Alpha was in front of us.

His face was soft and held a smile smile but his eyes held nothing but sadness. I parted a little further from Ant and intertwined our hands under the counter. I looked at my mother and only now was she facing us, her smile full and reaching her eyes.

"Sorry Alpha." Ant said next to me, bowing his head slightly.

"No need. I understand. If you'll excuse me." he started to stand and walk away.

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