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4 Months Later

Monique's P.O.V.

"I'm fat!" I grumbled for the hundredth time. And for the hundredth time, Carmen laughed!

I was so mad, but at the same time, I was use to the constant jokes and laughs, courtesy of Carmen.

At least Aiden loves me and I'll have the extra love of my pups soon, so it'll all be worth it! Yes I said pups, with a 's'! Shortly after everything settled with Jon, Nana Jessica told us we were having twins! Needless to say this was shocker to everyone.

Papa Dan was utterly speechless, having to retreat to Miles' office, in search of the book that contained the prophecy. He was mumbling to himself, something about this not being in the book! Mom of course was overjoyed, as was my dad. But Miles by far had the funniest reaction, we couldn't gets him to speak for about 5 whole minutes!

This whole time he's been my savior! Making sure I have not only whatever I need, but anything I want. Lets just say the guys at the gas station know him pretty well, considering he's made thousands of late night snack runs there. But he never once complained! We even moved into the pack house, so I wouldn't be alone.

Things around here have been pretty calm and Jon seems to be fitting in pretty nicely. Everybody loves his joking attitude and the girls thinks he is adorable. But I don't miss the longing look in his eyes when he sees Miles and I together. I pray nightly that this mess will be over with soon and the Goddess blesses him with someone special!

Not just because having a mate is so awesome, but because these last couple of months Jon and I have gotten close. After Miles' jealously stopped, Jon and I spent quite a bit of time together. Miles always has pack work, which I respect too much to disrupt and Carmen has Aiden.

Ant is pulled between both and I'd started missing our relationship. Then here comes Jon. He always knows when I'm sad or angry, sometimes even when I'm hungry. He just slid in and became another brother to me.

Miles has warmed to the idea of Jon and I's relationship and it's been smooth sailing. Except that time I asked Jon how he always knows what I'm feeling. He said my feelings were like a sixth sense to him and Miles' almost ripped his head off. Jon quickly explained how only my sadness and angry got his attention and blamed it on being my protector.

We all laughed as he seemed unaffected by Miles' attempt to kill him, while Miles struggled to not shift.  Miles eventually calmed and apologized to Jon, which only caused another round of laughter. But it was nice having them all laughing and getting along. Because I've also noticed how Ant seems to be watching Jon all the time.

A short while after we found out about the twins, Miles' officially accepted Mrs. and Mr. Ware into CAVE Pack. It was a small ceremony and from that day on, Mr. Ware, Tony, has given me bad vibes. If he comes within smelling distance of me, I get the chills. I brush it off mostly and try to stay away as much as possible. But its hard because I adore Grace, or Mrs. Ware.

She's like another aunt to me and already dotes on the twins.  Mom, Grace and Aunt Mo have become what they call, 'The Three Amigos.' Something about replacing Aunt Ren, who currently lives overseas. She couldn't makes it to Aidens birth but promises to visit and spoil him more than she's did Ant!

Her and Carmen gets along great and Ant gripes that once again, Carmen is taking away all his favorite girls. First me, then his mom and sister, now Aunt Ren! Poor guy.

But through all these good times and feelings, my wolf is still urging me to be careful and be watchful of danger. I've asked her if Tony had anything to do with said danger, but she's clueless. I try to hide these feelings from Miles, not wanting to worry him anymore than he already is.

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