Episode 1A: Hoodlum Bedlam

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(Start with a shot of the night sky. The camera pans down into the Jibberish Jungle. There are gold Lums flying through the air. There is a group of Teensies herding a Bonton, a woolly animal with horns, across a bridge. One of them is on top of the Bonton. MURFY flies at the front of the group.)

Murfy-Hey! What's going on? Can you go any slower?

(He flies behind the Bonton.)

Murfy-C'mon! Let's go! Chop chop!

Teensie-You heard him.

(He hits the Bonton with his staff. The Bonton starts walking again. The other four Teensies start cheering. Fade to another spot in the Jibberish Jungle. A distressed cry can be faintly heard. ANDRE the black Lum is flying amongst the trees, an evil look on his face. He flies up to a gold Lum. He touches it. It turns into a black Lum. Aerial shot of ANDRE zipping from gold Lum to gold Lum, touching them and transforming them one by one. The black Lums follow him. They bump into each other as he flies into the sky. The black Lums fly together through the forest. They approach MURFY, the Bonton, and the group of Teensies.)

Murfy-Um, what is that?

(The Teensies notice the swarm of black Lums.)

Teensie-Run away!

(The Teensies run off the bridge.)

Andre-Seize the wool off that...thing!

(The other black Lums swarm around the Bonton.)

Andre-Alright, that's enough seizing. Get back here!

(The black Lums fly back towards ANDRE, leaving the Bonton completely naked. It looks at the camera sadly.)


(The black Lums gather around ANDRE, transforming him into a Hoodmonger. He takes out a gun. Shot of a quivering mushroom. Cut to show MURFY cowering behind the mushroom. ANDRE approaches the mushroom and knocks it aside with his gun. MURFY yelps and flies away.)

Murfy-What am I supposed to do now? He's got a GUN!

(He rounds a corner and starts flying between the trees. Fade to RAYMAN and GLOBOX sleeping at the base of a tree. The camera shakes as MURFY crashes into the tree. He bounces on a mushroom, then on GLOBOX's stomach. GLOBOX briefly opens his eyes.)

Murfy-Globox! Globox, wake up! There are black Lums and a guy, and he's following me, and he has a gun.

Globox-(sleepily) What guy?

(He sees ANDRE's shadow approaching them. His eyes shoot open.)

Globox-Oh my gosh! It IS a guy!

(He springs up.)

Globox-Rayman, we gotta get out of here!

(He runs away.)

Murfy-What, you're not gonna wake him up first?

(He starts tugging on RAYMAN's hands.)

Murfy-Rayman! Wake up, ya sleepyhead!

(GLOBOX hangs upside-down from the tree.)

Globox-Don't worry. I know how to wake him up.

(He pulls on RAYMAN's hands.)

Globox-Hey, Rayman. Wakey-wakey...

(He starts pulling RAYMAN's body up.)

Globox-Rayman, what's up with you?

(ANDRE starts running towards them even faster.)

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