Episode 9B: Blow the Man Down

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(Start in a dark tunnel. RAYMAN, GLOBOX, ALINE, and ELYSIA run in.)

Globox-What?! We're not there yet? Is this what those doctors call a shortcut?

(They walk through a purple doorway. On the other side is a large, empty room. There is a crown in the back. RAYMAN picks it up and reads the inscription.)

Rayman-"The door will open for he who collects all of the crowns."

Globox-Hohoho! Oho! Oho! Good thing we know how to open the door now!

Aline-You can put it right here on my...

(She puts her hand on her head and discovers the previous crowns aren't there anymore.)

Aline-My crowns! Where's my beautiful collection of crowns?

Rayman-Let me restart it for you.

(He puts the crown on ALINE's head.)

Rayman-Alright, team. We're turning back around.

(They walk out of the room. They find another tunnel branching out from the one they started in.)

Elysia-They must be this way.

(She runs in. The others follow her.)

Rayman-How do you know they're this way?

Elysia-Because it's the only way we've got. What were you thinking?

Rayman-Sheesh. No need to be so rude.

(They end up in a room full of levitating platforms. The ceiling and floor are far beyond their sight.)


Globox-How high do we have to go?

Rayman-There's only one way to know.

(He starts jumping on the platforms. The others follow him. There's a doorway on the other side of the room. On the other side is a small room with three crowns.)


(She jumps into the room and picks up the three crowns. She runs out and jumps onto the next platform before it can ascend out of reach. They jump to the next platform together.)

Elysia-None of us have a fear of heights, do we?


Elysia-Because if one of us falls, there's no telling how far we'll go.

Rayman-Okay, now you're making me scared.

(They jump to the next platform ahead of them is another doorway. RAYMAN jumps in and grabs four more crowns.)

Rayman-For you, my queen.

(He puts them on ALINE's head.)

Elysia-Come on, guys. There's no denying it.


(They jump to the next floating platform. They jump to the one above it, but RAYMAN slips and falls to the floor, which is reflective.)


(RAYMAN looks down at his reflection in the floor.)

Rayman-Hey. That's not actually that big of a drop. The floor's just a big mirror! You guys keep going. I'll catch up to you.

(The others look at each other and shrug. They continue jumping from platform to platform. They find another room with five crowns and a portal in the back. ALINE picks up the crowns.)

Elysia-Do you think we should push this one down so Rayman can get to it?

Aline-Eh, he said he'll catch up to us.

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