Episode 2A: Clearleaf Forest

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(Start in a room deep in the Fairy Council. The room is filled with a red glow. RAYMAN falls in through the ceiling. MURFY flies in soon after.)

Murfy-Andre! Hey, where's Andre? Let's go ask the monks.

(RAYMAN runs forward. A door opens in front of them. On the other side is a huge, round room. The Great Protoon sits in the middle of the room with a huge force field around it.)

Murfy-The Protoon. It's where all the Glade's balance comes from.

(GLOBOX is at the back of the room being held up by three Teensies. Four more Teensies stand at the base of the force field.)

Rayman-Globox! Globox, what the heck is going on with you?

(He runs over to GLOBOX, followed by MURFY.)

Murfy-Excuse me, have you seen Andre?

Teensie 1-Eagh, eagh, Globox swallowed him! Globox swallowed him! One gulp and that was it! Just one gulp was all it took! One gulp and that was it! Eagh!

Rayman-Yeah, Murfy. Globox swallowed him.

(The Teensies throw GLOBOX into the air.)

Andre-(from inside GLOBOX) Get me out of here or I'll start chewing! Ouhhh...

(MURFY reaches out to catch GLOBOX. GLOBOX falls on top of MURFY, crushing him. One of the Teensies jumps on top of GLOBOX.)

Teensie 2-You idiots! Just what I thought! Andre isn't dead! We can't keep Globox near the Protoon. It's too risky.

(He jumps off and pushes GLOBOX towards RAYMAN.)

Teensie 2-Rayman, Globox is your friend. Take him to the witch doctor in Clearleaf Forest.

(He puts GLOBOX on his back and shakily carries him to RAYMAN. He throws GLOBOX into a hole with a green light coming out of it.)

Teensie 2-He and I go way back. He'll know how to get rid of Andre.

Murfy-(still flat on the ground) Look out, Rayman. Andre is a black Lum, and black Lums are twisted.

(He pulls himself off the ground.)

Murfy-He may even force Globox to drink plum juice! And we all know Globox is allergic to plum juice.

Rayman-You say that like he doesn't drink it willingly all the time. He doesn't care a bit if he's allergic.

(He looks down the hole.)

Murfy-See you in season 7! [NOTE: In classic Murfy fashion, there will be no season 7.]

Rayman-You mean you're not coming with me.

Murfy-Nah. My wings are feeling a little pinched after getting crushed by Globox.

(RAYMAN shrugs.)

Rayman-Also, what the heck is this?

Teensie 3-That's an entrance to the Teensie Highway. Aline installed it as a more direct alternative to the Hall of Doors.

Teensie 4-And a cooler one!

Rayman-If you say so...

(He begins to put his foot in. Then he looks back at the Teensies.)

Rayman-Wait a minute. One more thing: are fairies real?

Teensie 5-Yeah. We've started hiring them to protect the Protoon.

Rayman-Well, they're doing a terrible job of it.

(He jumps into the hole. Cut to the Teensie Highway, which is a huge tunnel decorated with colorful stripes and flowers. There are three glowing purple tracks running parallel to each other. RAYMAN surfs in on a hoverboard.)

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