Episode 7A: The Desert of the Knaaren

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(Start in the cavern from the last episode. RAYMAN, GLOBOX, ALINE, and ELYSIA are standing together. The ground shakes beneath them. Then it collapses. They all scream as they fall to the level below them. Something that can't be seen in the dark takes GLOBOX and lifts him up.)

Globox-Ouch! Argh! Let me go! Let me go!

(Barely visible in the darkness, a Knaaren breaks through the wall beside the group.)

Elysia-You know, invincible beasts sound much better on paper.

Rayman-Yeah, let's get going.

(They start running through the tunnel, which is illuminated by dim blue and green torches.)

Rayman-You don't think there were any routes without ferocious monsters in them?

Aline-It's this or the desert with the red-hot sand.

Rayman-Hm, I pick this.

(They pass a gong. The tunnel end. There's a hole at the end of it. They jump into the hole. The Knaaren stops at the gong and hits it. Somewhere deeper in the cavern, another Knaaren comes running through a door. It roars before running down the walkway. Pan down the tunnel to where RAYMAN, ALINE, and ELYSIA are.)

Rayman-Man, it's so dark in here. I can't see a thing.

(He rubs his hands together. They light up.)


(He sees the Knaaren at the end of the tunnel. His hands turn off.)

Rayman-You know what, there are some things that I don't want to see.

Aline-That's not what I was thinking. What if it sees us?

Rayman-Good thinking. Let's make this a stealth mission.

(They tiptoe to the end of the tunnel.)

Rayman-Now we just gotta wait until he's turned away...

(The Knaaren sees them.)

Knaaren-Crush. His. Bones.

(They run and hide. The Knaaren roars again before running away.)

Rayman-(whispering) Maybe we just shouldn't talk at all.

Aline-You might be in danger, but he specifically said, "Crush his bones." That means Elysia and I are exempt.

(She and ELYSIA high-five.)

Rayman-Yeah, that's great, but I don't want you two dying.

(They creep towards the end of the tunnel.)

Aline-When is he going to walk away already?

Elysia-We can't just keep waiting for our chance. We have to make one of our own!

(She runs past the Knaaren. She hits it once and then slips before landing on an island in the middle of a pit of goo. RAYMAN and ALINE wince at the top.)

Elysia-Didn't mean for that to happen.

(She sees the orange can sitting next to her.)

Elysia-Hehe. Jackpot.

(She fires the rocket at the Knaaren.)

Rayman-Stop! You're only going to make it angrier!

Elysia-Let's see if there are any more hanging around here.

Aline-Maybe we don't.

(She keeps hitting different spots on the wall around the top of the pit. She eventually hits a gong on the wall.)

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