Episode 13B: Let Your Hands Do the Talking (Season 6/Series Finale)

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(Start in the Tower of the Leptys. RAYMAN is standing at the bottom of a spiral staircase. He takes a deep breath.)

Rayman-The others better get here soon.

(He starts running up the stairs. He goes down a long hallway and runs up another spiral staircase.)

Rayman-Geez, Globox. You couldn't have dropped me off a little bit higher?

(He reaches the top of the tower. ANDRE and REFLUX are waiting for him.)

Andre-I told you I'd serve you Rayman on a platter. Bon appetit! Hahaha!

(REFLUX turns to face RAYMAN.)

Reflux-Thanks, Andy.

(RAYMAN starts holding back laughter.)

Rayman-I'm sorry. Andy? Are you giving people nicknames now? What, am I Ray? Actually, don't call me Ray. That sounds stupid.

(He grabs a blue can lying there. His clothes turn blue.)

Rayman-That's much better.

(REFLUX sets up a shield around himself and starts throwing balls of light at him. RAYMAN looks at the blue and red cans scattered across the arena.)

Rayman-Wait a minute, you just left those there for me to use? It's like you want me to win!

(He grabs onto REFLUX. The shield around him shrinks down.)

Andre-I didn't put those there.

Globox-(offscreen) Yoohoo!

(RAYMAN turns around and finds GLOBOX in his car with ALINE, ELYSIA, and ALES in the back.)

Globox-I've got the people you need to thank right here.

Rayman-Oh, hey! You brought them all.

Aline-Yeah. We were able to shake a little magic out of Ales. That's why you've got all those fancy cans.


Rayman-Thanks for that, Ales.

(He picks up a red can. His clothes turn red.)

Rayman-For once.

Ales-Was that part really necessary?

(REFLUX raises his staff. Bolts of lightning fall from the sky.)

Ales-All these years later, and you still hate me?


(He starts hitting REFLUX.)

Ales-But why would you hate me? I've changed!

Rayman-Yes, but the past still exists and includes burning Aline repeatedly, trying to take over the world, tricking us all in your attempt to take over the world, being a henchman in someone else's attempt to take over the world, spawning Andre, who is also attempting to take over the world.

Ales-What do I have to do with any of that?

(REFLUX bends over as if he's exhausted.)

Rayman-Wow. That was even easier than the last time, and you're supposed to have the "power of the Leptys" on your side? You make me laugh. Ha!

Reflux-I do now.

(He swings his staff in a circle. Half of it breaks off, leaving the gem in the middle exposed. He jabs the gem into the back of his neck. Then he throws the other half of the staff aside. The skin on the back of his neck begins rippling.)

Globox-What the...

(REFLUX gets bigger and bigger until he towers over RAYMAN.)

Rayman-I'm guessing this is the power of the Leptys?

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