Episode 11A: Hoodlum Headquarters

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(Start in the warehouse of Hoodlum Headquarters. It's dimly lit and full of boxes, some of which are hanging from ropes on the ceiling. There are Hoodmongers inside pushing boxes around and two more fighting with each other. The sexy voice comes over the intercom.)

Voice-You are now entering the warehouse.

(One Hoodmonger takes his gun and shoots another Hoodmonger's head off.)

Voice-It is here that our elite troops test their weapons with rigor and patience.

(The Hoodmonger that just fired runs away. RAYMAN, GLOBOX, ALINE, and ELYSIA slide in through a pipe on the wall.)

Globox-Hey, wait a minute. This isn't the welcome desk!

Rayman-Yeah, we definitely took a wrong turn somewhere.

(The Hoodmonger starts firing at them.)

Elysia-If this is a reception desk, then it isn't very receptive!

(RAYMAN knocks out the Hoodmonger. It drops a green can.)

Rayman-Hm. This has to be useful somewhere.

(He takes the can and opens it. His clothes turn green.)

Rayman-And now for step two: getting out of here.

(They find the third Hoodmonger on top of one of the hanging boxes firing at them.)

Elysia-Um, step two: getting rid of that guy!

Rayman-Okay, fine. Step two: getting rid of that guy.

(He jumps from box to box, making his way up to the Hoodmonger. He finds two more on different boxes.)

Rayman-Wait, when did you get here?!

(He knocks out the closer Hoodmonger with a vortex punch. Then he jump up towards the other two. The Hoodmongers jump between the boxes.)

Rayman-What the heck, man? You know I can't hit a moving target!

(He knocks out one of the Hoodmongers.)

Rayman-Scratch that. I can.

(He jumps in front of the last remaining Hoodmonger and knocks it out with a single vortex punch.)

Rayman-Alright, coast is clear.

(A pause.)

Rayman-Yeah, the coast is actually clear.

(The others jump on the boxes with him.)

Globox-Now we just need to find an exit.

Aline-Where would the exit even be? This is such a poorly designed building that the exits aren't easy to find. That seems highly inconvenient for the people who work here regularly.

(They jump onto the boxes against the back wall.)

Elysia-Or maybe it's designed in a way that makes perfect sense to people who work here regularly but is completely backwards for intruders like us.

Aline-Hm, you have a point.

(They jump along the boxes until they reach the end of a ramp above them.)

Aline-Wait, what do you know about architecture?

Elysia-Ales might have taught me a few things.

(RAYMAN finds a stone sphere at the base of the ramp. He picks it up.)

Rayman-I think if I carry this up, I'll be able to–

(A grenade tumbles down the ramp and blows up the sphere.)

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