Episode 8B: The Power of the Leptys

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(Start in the Destiny Arena where the last episode left off. RAYMAN is still facing off with REFLUX. RAYMAN climbs up onto the arena. REFLUX sends a second wave of fire across the arena, then a third. RAYMAN glides over both of them. REFLUX stops attacking and leans on his staff.)

Rayman-Now's my chance.

(He hits one of the spinning balls around REFLUX.)

Rayman-Whoops, I missed.

(He hits another spinning ball.)


(He finally hits REFLUX.)

Rayman-There. One hit is better than nothing.

(He backs up and climbs onto the side of the arena.)

Rayman-There's no way he's gonna hit me from down here.

(REFLUX summons the shield again. He sends rings of fire across the arena. One of them barely singes RAYMAN's hair.)

Rayman-Okay, he almost got me.

(He peeks over the edge of the arena.)

Rayman-Does he even notice I'm not there?

(He sees a ring of fire coming towards him.)


(He ducks underneath the fire.)

Rayman-Alright, no hiding from the flames. I'm going to face this guy like a man.

(He climbs back onto the arena. REFLUX sends out a huge wave of fire.)

Rayman-Wrong time to face this guy like a man!

(He jumps over the fire. REFLUX sends another wave of fire. RAYMAN glides over it. A third wave of fire comes his way. He climbs onto the side of the arena and ducks under it. He climbs back up to find a fourth wave of fire. He glides over it. REFLUX stops attacking and leans on his staff.)

Rayman-I'm not going to let those stupid spinny balls block me anymore.

(He runs to REFLUX's side and hits him. Then he run to REFLUX's other side and hits him again. His staff falls out of his hand. He picks it back up. RAYMAN runs to his right side.)

Rayman-Okay, big guy. What do you got for me this time?

(REFLUX looks right at him.)

Reflux-Enough of your taunting, puny man.


(REFLUX raises his staff into the air and starts chanting in another language. Meteors begin falling from the sky.)


(The meteors start on the other side of the arena from RAYMAN but move closer to him. He jumps off the edge of the arena and grabs onto the side. As the meteors land, they leave little fires on the ground. RAYMAN climbs back up.)

Rayman-Now I just need to hit him before he can–

(REFLUX starts up his spin attack.)

Rayman-Darn. I was too late.

(He runs away from REFLUX, now dodging the little fires all around him. REFLUX gets closer and closer to RAYMAN. Then he stops and leans on his staff.)

Rayman-Oh. Done already?

(He hits REFLUX twice. He starts the spin attack again.)

Rayman-You know, it would be really nice if you could just quit. Look at us. You're tired, I'm tired, and honestly, I'm running out of these witty non sequiturs.

Rayman Recharged (Season 6)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora