Episode 6A: The Tower of the Light

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(Start in the Land of the Livid Dead where the last episode left off. RAYMAN, GLOBOX, ALINE, and ELYSIA are following the Griskin out of the Tower of the Light.)

Griskin-One of my brothers is still held captive. Free him, and we'll open up our world for you.

(He flies into the canyon below the bridge.)

Rayman-You're telling me we have to go down there?

Aline-You heard him. One of his brothers is still held captive.

(RAYMAN jumps into the canyon. The others glide in behind him.)

Rayman-Alright, little guy. Where are you?

(He finds two meadowscrews to the right over a pool of water. He screws them down with the vortex punch. ELYSIA points at a plum hanging from a tree.)

Elysia-Hey, you think we're gonna need this?

(RAYMAN shrugs.)


(ELYSIA knocks the plum off the tree and picks it up.)

Elysia-What the heck is with the plums on the First Moon?

(They jump across the meadowscrews.)

Globox-What if he led us the wrong way?

(They walk through the canyon.)

Aline-Globox, don't be silly. I'm sure he knows what he's doing.

Voice-Help! Help!

Rayman-You think this is the place?

(They find a wall with dancing Teensies engraved into it. There's a post at the bottom. RAYMAN throws the plum onto the post and jumps on it. He pulls himself on top of the wall and finds a hanging cage. He breaks the cage, releasing a Griskin. The Griskin flies up out of the canyon. He flies over the entrance to the tower. A bolt of lightning comes down on the entrance. A portal appears in the entrance.)

Globox-Ooh, pretty!

Rayman-What is?

Globox-That light up there!

(He points at the light visible from the portal above the canyon. RAYMAN looks up.)

Rayman-Something must have happened. Let's go check it out.

(He looks down and sees GLOBOX drinking from a barrel of plum juice.)

Rayman-Globox! Did you have to wait until my back was turned?

(GLOBOX starts burping out purple bubbles.)

Rayman-I guess something good came out of this.

(They jump on the bubbles to get to the top of the canyon.)

Aline-So that's where that light was coming for?

Elysia-Well, what are we waiting for? Let's charge in!

(She and ALINE enter the portal. RAYMAN looks back at GLOBOX, who is wriggling around on the ground.)

Rayman-You know what, you can take your time.

(He steps through the portal. On the other side is the inside of a much more material tower with glowing Teensies etched into the walls.)

Rayman-Wow. This place is so pretty.

(Shot of ELYSIA fighting against a group of Hoodmongers and a Hoodmonger Officer.)

Elysia-Now's not the time to look at the scenery. We've got company!

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