Episode 3A: The Hoodlum Fortress

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(Start in the Hoodlum fortress from the last episode. RAYMAN and GLOBOX walk down a dark hallway, now with ELYSIA by their side.)

Elysia-I tried to let him down as easy as possible, just tell him, "Hey, none of this is your fault. It's been great, but I think it's time I got back to my duties as princess of the Second Moon, and, well, you should get back to your life, too," but he still burst into tears and ran away, and it's only after that that these hoodlums started showing up.

(They reach a circular room where a Hoodmonger Soldier is waiting for them.)

Rayman-Actually, Elysia, it's pronounced Hoodlooms.

(He hits the Hoodmonger Soldier.)

Elysia-But Hoodloom isn't a word.

(RAYMAN knocks out the Hoodmonger Soldier. It drops an orange detergent can.)

Rayman-They're derived from Lums. That's why they're called Hoodlooms.

Elysia-Oh. That's their name. I get it.

(RAYMAN approaches the can.)

Rayman-I've never seen this color before.

(He opens the can. Cue cheesy transformation sequence where a rocket attaches itself to RAYMAN's fist. His clothes turn orange.)

Elysia-You've been messing with enemy tech?

Rayman-It's actually pretty fun.

Globox-Enough with the costumes already. We gotta get to the doctor's!

Rayman-But I have a rocket attached to my hand. We gotta test it out.

(He looks at the drawings of RAYMAN and GLOBOX posted around the room.)

Rayman-Let's see. Where do I launch it first?

(He launches the rocket through a hole beneath a drawing of RAYMAN.)

Rayman-Wait for it...

(They hear the rocket crash. A gate opens up in the hallway leading out of the room.)

Globox-Are you finally done goofing off? Can we get going now?

Rayman-But I'm not goofing off. Did you hear that? I think we might be getting somewhere.

(He launches the rocket through another hole above a picture of himself.)

Elysia-What's got your knickers up in a twist?

Globox-I kinda sorta accidentally swallowed the Hoodlums' leader, and he's threatened to kill me if I don't do what he says.

(The rocket hits another wall. Another gate opens up.)

Globox-Bravo! Well done! You're the best! Can we go now?

Rayman-One, I don't think he ever said that, and two, how can he possibly kill you? He's not even three inches tall.

(He launches the rocket through a hole above a picture of GLOBOX.)

Elysia-Three inches tall?

Rayman-He's a black Lum.

Elysia-How interesting. I thought for sure this was Ales's doing with all the tech, but if their leader is a black Lum...

(The rocket hits another wall. A third gate opens up.)

Globox-Finally! It's about time!

(A Hoodmonger Solder comes running at them through the hallway.)

Rayman-What the heck are you doing here?

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