Episode 1B: The Fairy Council

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(Start in the Jibberish Jungle where the last episode left off. RAYMAN, GLOBOX, and MURFY are still standing on the floating rock. There is a tall tower ahead of them.)

Murfy-The Fairy Council! We better check in there to make sure the Hoodlums haven't gotten to it.

(He and GLOBOX run across a bridge to the Fairy Council. RAYMAN follows them.)

Rayman-Why is it called the Fairy Council, anyway? There's no such thing as fairies, right?

(They make it to the rock that the Fairy Council is on.)

Murfy-Don't ask me to explain the Teensies, but here's what I think their thought process is. "Hey, we need somewhere to keep the Great Protoon so that it doesn't get stolen or blown up again. What should we call it?" "How about the Fairy Council? That sounds cool."

Rayman-It's pretty interesting that we have all these magical creatures, and none of them are fairies.

Murfy-The Teensies probably think of themselves as fairies. That's why they built this giant place.

(They go up the stairs leading up to the door. There's a crystal hanging over it. RAYMAN hits a switch by the door. The door begins shaking, and the crystal begins glowing. GLOBOX runs up to it.)

Globox-Wow! Rayman, you turned on the light! Pretty!

(He starts staring at the crystal. A hot air balloon with ANDRE and two Slapdashes in it begins floating towards them.)

Murfy-What'd I tell ya? Here come the thugs again.

(He takes out the book again.)

Murfy-Wait, the literary bible's saying, "Andre! You're supposed to say that the bad guy's named Andre! Stick to the script, will you?

(ANDRE drops down in front of the Fairy Council. GLOBOX screams and runs through the door.)

Murfy-Figures. They're raiding the Fairy Council. Enough is enough!

(ANDRE runs through the door, followed by the Slapdashes.)

Murfy-I was told that after season 5, I'd be cast as a tormented artist who falls for a girl with great big, uh...eyes, and here I am still playing a sidekick in a low-budget flick. Yeesh.

Rayman-Who cares about your acting career? The Hoodlooms have gotten in the Fairy Council!

(He runs through the door. MURFY follows him. They are in a round blue room.)

Murfy-There's no time to lose. We have to catch Andre before he reaches the Great Protoon.

Rayman-So let me get this straight. There's a black Lum named Andre causing others to be from the hood.


Murfy-Yeah, I see the problem with that.

(RAYMAN gets on the platform in the middle of the room and hits the switch. The platform lifts him up to another doorway. He walks through. There's a spiraling ramp going up the edges up the room.)

Rayman-Where'd they go?

(He starts running up the ramp.)

Murfy-I dunno, but they must be fast. I can't see 'em anywhere!

(After the ramp goes in one full circle, it turns into a series of ascending platforms. RAYMAN jumps from platform.)

Murfy-It's days like these when I wish I was still attuned to the cosmos.

Rayman-Murfy, you do not need infinite knowledge.

Murfy-It's not infinite knowledge. It's just knowing whether or not the Great Protoon's been blown up again!

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