Episode 8A: Reflux's Ritual

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(Start in a tunnel beneath the Desert of the Knaaren. RAYMAN, ALINE, and ELYSIA fall onscreen and slide down an incline before they land on some rocks below.)

Aline-That was your big idea? Throwing ourselves into the inky abyss below?

Rayman-I was hoping that the Knaaren would assume we're dead and stop chasing us.

Elysia-Well, we're alive, and the Knaaren have stopped chasing us. I say you should give him some credit.

(They look around the room. It's dark except for some blue torches.)

Rayman-I'm assuming I can do this now.

(He lights up his hands. Two zombie chickens are now visible.)


Elysia-I'll take care of them. You keep going.

(She gets her axe out. RAYMAN shrugs and starts looking for an exit.)

Aline-Up there!

(She points to a door higher up with some red light coming through.)

Rayman-Thank you, Aline! What would I do without you?

(They jump on some stone slabs to get to the exit. ELYSIA catches up to them. They end up in a larger room with red torches. There are holes taking up most of the floor.)

Aline-Alright, team. The objective is simple: don't fall.

(RAYMAN finds a stone by the door.)

Rayman-I'll probably need this.

(They start walking down the path between two holes. The ground collapses below RAYMAN, and he falls through. He lands in a dark room.)

Aline-Dangit, Rayman! The objective was simple!

Rayman-Hold on. I can get out of here.

(He finds a stone nearby and jumps on it to get back to the floor. He finds another stone where the first one was and picks it up.)

Elysia-Um, Rayman, isn't that stone the exact thing that caused you to fall?

Rayman-Maybe I fell through because I was directly in between two holes, and the ground was thin.

(He starts walking along the edge of the room.)

Rayman-If I go where the ground is a bit more sturdy, I'll be fine.

Aline-And the heavy stone you're carrying has nothing to do with it.

Rayman-If there's anything I've learned in my years of adventuring, it's that random things on the ground will definitely be useful later on.

(He reaches the other side.)

Rayman-See? Easy-peasy.

(He drops the stone onto a switch. The door in front of them opens)

Aline-Ignore the sarcastic tone from what I just said. Rayman, I want you to pick up as many random stones as you can find.

Rayman-I wasn't going to stop.

(They walk through the door. They walk down the hallway until they're blocked on the front and right by spikes. The only way out is a tunnel below them.)

Elysia-Well, there's only one way we can go.

(They jump down into the tunnel and run underneath the bridge. They turn left. There is an eerie green glow coming from up ahead.)

Rayman-Are you sure we shouldn't have gone the other way?

Aline-Hey, we don't know if that unusual green glow is signaling anything bad. We can check it out, and if we need to go back, we can go back.

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