Episode 4A: The Bog of Murk

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(Start in a dark hallway. RAYMAN, ALINE, and ELYSIA fall in through a shaft. They look around.)

Aline-This isn't the Land of the Livid Dead.

Elysia-It took you that long to figure out?

Rayman-Good. I'd like to stay away from that place for as long as possible.

Aline-Rayman, Globox is in danger!

Rayman-Respectfully, I'd like to stay away from that place for as long as possible.

Aline-The Teensie Highway must be broken. Let's go find another one that works.

(They walk down a hallway into a small room lit by a fireplace. BEGONIAX the witch stands in the middle stirring her brew and singing to herself.)

Begoniax-I feel pretty...

(She sees RAYMAN coming)

Begoniax-Ahhh! There's that pervert again!

(She runs towards RAYMAN.)

Begoniax-What's your problem? You afraid of girls?

(RAYMAN punches her. She gets up and runs away.)

Elysia-Did you just punch an old lady?

Rayman-I'm sorry. What did you expect me to do about the person charging at me shouting insults?

(ELYSIA shrugs.)

Elysia-I guess I would have done the same thing.

(They run down the hallway BEGONIAX left in.)

Elysia-Also, it sounded like she had seen you before.

Rayman-Remember that outhouse I fell in when we got here?


Rayman-She was in it.


Rayman-Yeah. Ew. That's why she was screaming at me.

(They run through a small storage room. They can hear BEGONIAX's cackling coming from somewhere.)

Rayman-Wait a minute! Where's Globox?

Aline-Oh, yeah! He's missing! He must have gotten separated from us when the Teensie Highway broke.

Elysia-Another reason we gotta keep going, I guess.

(They reach a set of stairs. The camera pans to the bottom, where BEGONIAX stands at the top of a tall platform with a cauldron over her head and her fork in her hands. They run down the stairs and see BEGONIAX.)

Rayman-Do you think she can see us?

Aline-(whispering) If you keep talking like that, she's gonna hear us.

(BEGONIAX starts yelling at them.)


Globox-(offscreen) Rayman! Over here!

Rayman-Was that...Globox?

Aline-It sounded like it was coming from...

(She looks around before pointing at a large mirror in the back.)

Aline-That mirror?

(ELYSIA walks over to the mirror.)

Elysia-That can't be right.

(She puts her hand up to the mirror. It sucks her in.)


(RAYMAN and ALINE look at each other and shrug. They step through the mirror. Cut to an island in the middle of the marsh. ELYSIA steps out of a cave that looks like a giant pitcher. RAYMAN and ALINE follow her.)

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