Episode 10B: CoolBoardin'

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(Start in the Summit Beyond the Clouds. RAYMAN, GLOBOX, ALINE, and ELYSIA approach a Hoodlum camp guarded by one Slapdash.)

Rayman-Wow, only one Hoodloom this time? This place is outright deserted!

(A Hoodoo appears right next to him and casts a shield on the Slapdash.)

Rayman-Really? Me and my big mouth!

Aline-That's the moral of the story, Rayman: never talk.

(RAYMAN tries hitting the Hoodoo, but it disappears and reappears on his other side.)

Rayman-I got you this time.

(He lands a hit on the Hoodoo. It disappears.)

Rayman-I didn't beat it, did I?

(The Hoodoo reappears to the right.)


(She hits the Hoodoo with her axe. It teleports right next to RAYMAN.)

Rayman-In your face!

(He hits the Hoodoo directly, defeating it.)

Rayman-I should say that more often. Aline, do you think I need a catchphrase?

Aline-I wouldn't say need...

(RAYMAN hits the Slapdash, defeating it. They enter the hut the Slapdash was guarding. There is a funkyboard lying on the floor. RAYMAN picks it up.)

Rayman-Is this...a snowboard?

Globox-A snowboard? Great! I've been wanting to ride through the mountains in style.

Elysia-Um, ride where?

(RAYMAN looks out the back door. There's a long slope on the other side.)

Rayman-Looks like we're going down the mountain.

Aline-But there's only one snowboard. How are all four of us supposed to get down the mountain?

Rayman-I know how I'm getting down.

(He gets on the snowboard and slides out the door.)


Aline-Wait! Rayman! What about the rest of us?

Elysia-I guess you're the only one obsessed with sticking together.

Globox-Hey, wait for me!

(He runs out the door. Cut to the slope. RAYMAN is sliding down when GLOBOX slides down to him in a block of ice.)

Rayman-Globox, how did you get in there?

Globox-It's a funny story, actually. I wanted to follow you down here, and I decided to go au naturel because honestly, who needs snowboards? As it turns out, if you go down a mountain fast enough when the temperature is -61 degrees, the wind chill straight-up freezes you.


Globox-I'll race you.


(GLOBOX slides ahead of him.)

Globox-Whoops! I was going to give you a head start, but I have no real control over my direction or momentum. I'm just freefalling.

(They slide into a tunnel.)

Globox-But, like, if freefalling was on ice.

(They come out the other side of the tunnel.)

Rayman-What about Aline and Elysia?

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