Episode 5B: Can't Touch This!

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(Start in the cave where the last episode left off. The Grim Keeper lifts its robe. A tiny mechanical Grim comes marching out.)

Elysia-Uh oh. He's got reinforcements.

Rayman-Can someone deal with the little guys? I'll focus on the big guy.


(He kicks the Grim, defeating it instantly.)

Rayman-I shouldn't bother trying to get through that shield. If I tried hitting him from the side...

(He moves to the side. The Grim Keeper turns to face him.)

Rayman-Oh, right. He can move.

(The Grim Keeper releases another Grim from under its robe.)

Rayman-I think I know what to do. Hook shot!

(He throws a right hook at the Grim Keeper. The Keeper blocks it with its shield.)

Rayman-(slightly angrier) Hook shot!

(He throws a left hook. The Grim Keeper releases another Grim.)

Aline-Maybe don't announce your attacks.

(RAYMAN keeps circling around the Grim Keeper, trying to hit it behind its shield.)

Elysia-What do you know about attacking? I haven't seen you fight once.

Aline-I prefer to strike only when the time is right.

(The Keeper releases another Grim.)

Aline-And the time is now.

(She stomps on the Grim.)

Rayman-Maybe I need some help fighting the big guy.

(He hits the Grim Keeper's shield. He hides behind a statue. The Keeper lifts its shield and releases another Grim.)

Aline-Wait a minute. Whenever it sends out another minion, it lifts its shield to do so. That's when you have to strike.

(RAYMAN throws a flurry of punches at the Grim Keeper.)

Rayman-I just have to wait for him to do that!

Elysia-Or I can do a sneak attack. Just say the word, and I'll axe him from behind.

Aline-I told you not to announce your attacks!

(The Grim Keeper lifts its shield. RAYMAN lands a hit on the Grim Keeper.)

Rayman-Why isn't it going down?

Elysia-Because you're not hitting it hard enough!

(She jumps behind the Grim Keeper and slices it in half.)

Rayman-Really, Elysia? I had a whole thing going.

Elysia-Yeah, but I was getting bored.

Rayman-Alright, fine. Since you're so impatient, let's keep going. Aline, are you ready?


Rayman-Globox, are you ready?

(Shot of GLOBOX drinking from a barrel of plum juice.)

Rayman-That's it. Next time, I'm body blocking the plum juice.

(GLOBOX belches out two purple bubbles before burping himself up onto a higher ledge.)

Rayman-Actually, I was wondering where we were supposed to go from here. Thanks, Globox!

Globox-Don't (burp) mention it!

(RAYMAN, ALINE, and ELYSIA jump on the bubbles to get to the top. They find another hanging cage behind them. RAYMAN breaks it, releasing another Griskin.)

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