Episode 7B: Haunting and Daunting

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(Start in a tunnel in the Desert of the Knaaren. RAYMAN, ALINE, and ELYSIA approach a door lit by two torches.)

Rayman-Neither of you saw where they took Globox, right?

(ALINE and ELYSIA shake their heads.)

Rayman-Then we just start looking.

(He leans through the doorway and sees a group of Knaaren ahead.)

Rayman-Those are Knaaren.

(He ducks out.)

Aline-But it's so dark in here, I can't see another way.

Rayman-That's where you're wrong, Mansay.

(He finds a gap in the wall facing the door. He puts his hands and feet on the sides of the gap and starts climbing up.)

Elysia-Me next!

(She starts climbing up beneath him. ALINE tries climbing up, but she keeps slipping.)

Aline-How do you do that? I can't seem to get a hold of it.

Elysia-Rayman must have some mad muscles. He's climbing even faster than me.

(RAYMAN reaches the top.)


(ELYSIA reaches the top.)

Elysia-You know what I mean.

(ALINE drops to the ground.)

Aline-You know what they say: if you can't do it the normal way, do it the Teensie way.

(She summons a Misty Image that floats up the wall. Then she teleports to where it is.)


Rayman-You didn't know she could teleport?

Elysia-That's not what I'm mad about. You've been hogging those helicopter powers for nothing?

(They go up some stairs. They are now over the corridor with the Knaaren in it.)

Rayman-They're still there.

Aline-Then we absolutely must not let them see us.

(They start climbing along the wall of the corridor.)

Elysia-Let's hope they don't think to look up.

Aline-Are you insinuating that they're stupid?

Elysia-I haven't heard them talk in anything other than grunts and moans. That's pretty telling evidence.

(The wall they're on branches into another corridor. They find a Knaaren standing in front of a pool of acid. They land on a bridge over the Knaaren's head.)

Rayman-So how are we supposed to get past this guy without throwing ourselves in the pool of acid?

Aline-There must be somewhere safe nearby to land.

(ELYSIA leans forward and finds a tunnel next to the acid.)

Elysia-I think we found our spot.


Elysia-I'm gonna go for it. Thar she blows!

(She jumps towards the edge of the tunnel. Her foot briefly lands in the acid before she pulls it out.)


Rayman-Maybe we should think before "going for it."

(He and ALINE glide to the edge of the tunnel. ELYSIA takes off her shoe, which has been burned by the acid.)

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