Episode 12A: Tower of the Leptys

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(Start in the Hoodlum Headquarters. RAYMAN, ALINE, and ELYSIA are walking along a bridge over a pool of lava. The whole place starts shaking, and the lava starts rising.)


(They start running.)

Rayman-What the heck is going on?

Aline-Let me know if this looks familiar.

(She shrugs and walks to the back of the group.)

Rayman-Okay, fine. I did jinx it. Are you saying that Andre caused it?

Andre-(over the intercom) Yes, I did! I've opened the floodgates on this lava that I've been keeping here for cases just like this!

(The bridge wraps around a pillar. They jump over gaps in the bridge.)

Aline-You realize that by dropping all this lava on your factory, you're going to destroy it, right?

Andre-Hey, whatever it takes to destroy you!

(There's a Slapdash in their way. RAYMAN knocks it out in one hit.)

Rayman-Are you serious? That's, like, a suicide mission!

(They glide to another bridge hanging from some chains.)

Andre-It's only a suicide mission if you can die.

Elysia-Dangit, he's right!

(They jump on wooden platforms. They climb through a tube as the lava catches up to them.)

Aline-Let's speed it up, guys!

(She teleports to the top of the tube. RAYMAN and ELYSIA catch up to her.)

Elysia-I get it. You're faster than us.

(They climb up a metal grate on the wall. They glide over to a stone ledge.)

Rayman-Um, where are we going exactly?

Elysia-Away from a fiery death!


(They jump on some more stone ledges. They run across a shaking bridge. RAYMAN knocks out a Slapdash in the way. They jump across some wooden platforms winding around a tall pillar. They jump onto a ramp and run up.)

Rayman-I'd still like to know what's waiting for us when we get out of here.

(The ramp takes them out to the sky outside. The sky is pink. They don't see the ground beneath them.)

Rayman-Okay, that's pretty high up.

(Cut to the boiler room at the bottom of the factory. There's a giant machine in it. The whole machine starts shaking. The gauge on the front of it goes up until the glass shatters. The pipes burst, followed by the rest of the machine, which explodes in a giant fireball. A swarm of black Lums emerges and starts flying all over the place. The fireball makes its way up to RAYMAN and friends.)

Rayman-Alright, who here said suicide mission?

Aline-You did.

(The explosion blows them off the bridge.)


(Fade to white. Then fade to the Tower of the Leptys. The camera is angled so that the sun is in the claw-like structure at the top. ANDRE flies onscreen. He wrings his tiny little hands before flying to the tower. REFLUX is waiting on top, and he's holding GUMSI's scepter. REFLUX raises the scepter into the air.)

Reflux-By the power of the Ancestral Scepter, I invoke you, Leptys.

(A shadow comes over the tower.)

Reflux-Bringer of Night and Father of the Knaaren People.

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