Episode 9A: The Longest Shortcut

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(Start in the entryway of the office of Dr. Art Rytus in the Desert of the Knaaren. RAYMAN enters, followed by ALINE, ELYSIA, and GLOBOX. They find some Hoodmongers marching around on the other side of a large gap.)


Rayman-Don't shout! They're gonna hear us.

(He steps on a switch. A pillar comes down from the ceiling over the Hoodmonger. He takes his foot off. The pillar lifts away.)


(He finds four switches on the floor just like it. Then he starts dancing around on the switches, trying to crush the Hoodlums with the pillars.)

Globox-Rayman, this is no time to play Whack-A-Mole. We need to get to the doctor!

Rayman-This is exactly the right time to play Whack-A-Mole. These guys are standing between us and the doctor.

(He crushes one of the Hoodmongers.)

Rayman-Yeah! Here, let's see if I can get one of the guys on the left.

(He barely misses getting shot by a Hoodlum.)

Rayman-Ooh. Kinda dicey in here.

Globox-Dicey? They have guns!

(RAYMAN steps on one of the switches and crushes a Hoolmonger on the left.)


(The last two Hoodlums split up.)

Rayman-Do you mind getting back together? I want to crush you both at once.

(He starts running in circles on the switches.)

Rayman-Here. One of them has to hit 'em!

(He crushes a third Hoodmonger.)

Rayman-Wow, I actually hit him. Let's see if I can do it again.

(He keeps hitting the switches randomly. The fourth Hoodmonger starts dodging the pillars.)

Rayman-Oh. He's learning.

(The Hoodmonger stops on the left and starts shooting.)

Rayman-Okay, he's stopped.

(He stands on the switch to activate the leftmost pillar. The Hoodmonger runs away.)


(He stands on one of the switches for the middle pillars. The pillar crushes the Hoodmonger. A single pillar rises up in the middle of the gap.)

Rayman-Coast is clear.

(They jump on the pillar and to the other side of the gap. Another door opens up in front of them. A blinding white light comes through it. They approach the door.)

Globox-No no no. I'm not leaving this spot.

(A chain comes flying out through the door, grabs GLOBOX by the neck, and pulls him in.)


Aline-I see. The Teensie doctors are using force now. Can't say I'm surprised.

(Cut to the room full of white light. GLOBOX is once again lying on an operating table. Shamisen music plays in the background.)

Globox-What is going on?

(DR. ART RYTUS descends from the sky very slowly.)

Art-Ah, Globox-san very tense. Luckily, I know how to drive our a negative energy.

(He takes out a long pin and starts poking GLOBOX's head with it. Light shamisen plucking can be heard.)

Art-Guili guili guili guili guili guili...

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