Episode 4B: Hunting Season

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(Start within the mansion. RAYMAN, ALINE, and ELYSIA enter the foyer.)

Rayman-Globox? Globox, are you in here?

(Zoom out to reveal that they are being reflected in a mirror in COUNT RAZOFF's observatory. COUNT RAZOFF sits by the window, which has a telescope going through it.)

Razoff-Unlucky and unwise is he who risks entering my domain.

(He gets up and picks up his gun.)

Razoff-Let's give him a warm welcome.

(Meanwhile, RAYMAN, ALINE, and ELYSIA are walking up the stairs.)

Aline-Are you sure we should be in here? This house could belong to someone.

Rayman-Ask Elysia. She suggested we come in here.

Elysia-Globox could be here. This could be another one of the Hoodlooms' hideouts for all we know.

(They run up another set of stairs and into a room with three statues. The door shuts behind them.)


(COUNT RAZOFF runs in and points his gun at them.)

Rayman-This guy must really not like trespassers.

(They hide behind a statue. RAZOFF shoots it, breaking it instantly.)

Aline-I guess hiding's not going to work.

(RAYMAN jumps up and punches RAZOFF.)

Aline-I wasn't going to suggest punching him, either.

Rayman-Then what were you going to suggest?

(RAZOFF runs away.)

Rayman-See? He's already running away.

Elysia-Then go catch him. I get the feeling he's not done yet.


(RAYMAN runs down the hallway.)

Aline-And he's gone.

(Cut to another room full of statues. RAYMAN enters. RAZOFF is standing in the corner blending in with the walls.)

Rayman-Great. I lost him.

(That's when RAZOFF starts shooting.)

Rayman-Wait, he's right there!

(He hits RAZOFF. All the statues disappear. RAZOFF runs away.)

Rayman-Why does everyone have to have guns in this season?

(He chases RAZOFF down the hallway. He lands another hit on him. He runs up some stairs. He enters a dimly lit room. He looks around.)

Rayman-Where did he go this time?

(Cut to RAZOFF's perspective as he watches RAYMAN through the scope of his rifle from a high place.)

Razoff-I've tamed a more ferocious beast than you.

Rayman-Who said that?

(He hides behind a box. RAZOFF shoots it.)

Rayman-Alright. He sees me, but why can't I see him?!

(He jumps on top of the fireplace. He sees RAZOFF standing on a stack of barrels.)

Rayman-Oh, there he is. You know, I get that you're mad that I trespassed into your house, but I'm also mad that you're trying to shoot me, so let's start over. Hi, I'm Rayman.

(RAZOFF shoots. RAYMAN jumps off the fireplace and runs through the door. He runs down some more stairs. RAZOFF starts chasing him.)

Rayman-And thus the hunter has become the hunted. Or have I been the hunted all along considering he has a gun, and I don't?

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