Episode 11B: Rage Against the Machine

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(Start in the firing range in the Hoodlum Headquarters where the last episode left off. The Hoodstormers are flying around and shooting at RAYMAN, ALINE, and ELYSIA.)

Elysia-How are we supposed to hit these guys? They won't sit still!

Rayman-Cool your jets, Elysia. I've got this. Right hook!

(He throws a right hook at the left Hoodstormer.)

Rayman-Left hook!

(He throws a left hook at the Hoodstormer, knocking it out.)

Elysia-Now you're just showing off.

Rayman-You can take the next one if you want.

Elysia-I can't. I'm a melee fighter.

Rayman-Alright, then.

(He charges up a punch and knocks out the other Hoodstormer.)

Rayman-Now we free Globox.

(They look around. GLOBOX is nowhere to be found.)


Aline-Let's just focus on finding Andre for now. Globox always shows up sooner or later.

(They jump on some crates.)

Rayman-Um...I can't find an exit.

Elysia-We can't just go back the way we came, can we?

(ALINE finds a gate on the side of the room.)

Aline-Hey, wait!

(She runs towards the gate.)

Aline-I think it's this way!

(The gate opens. A Heckler comes running through it.)

Aline-Uh oh!

Rayman-Don't worry.

(He jumps onto the ground.)

Rayman-I'll save you with the power of the Heavy Metal Fist!

(He notices his clothes have gone back to normal.)


(The Heckler shoots him.)

Rayman-Hey! That hurt!

(He goes back for the red can. His clothes turn red. He knocks the shield off the Heckler and hits it three times.)

Rayman-I hope you're ready for a one-sided beatdown.

(He hits the Heckler two more times from point blank.)

Aline-Rayman, how are you dealing so much damage so fast?

Elysia-Heavy Metal Fist, probably.

Aline-Actually, yeah. That's probably it.

Rayman-What, you don't believe in my raw skill?

(The Heckler puts its shield back up and starts firing. RAYMAN runs back.)

Aline-Have you seen yourself? That is not raw skill.

Rayman-Watch this.

(He knocks the shield off the Heckler. His clothes turn back to normal as he hits the Heckler over and over again.)

Aline-Hold up. That's protective armor you're knocking off of its body, Rayman. That's how you're able to damage it.

Rayman-Yeah, but I'm feeling a little naked without this baby.

(He runs back to the red can as the Heckler opens fire. His clothes turn red again.)

Rayman-Finally have my armor back.

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