Episode 10A: The Summit Beyond the Clouds

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(Start in the Summit Beyond the Clouds. RAYMAN, GLOBOX, ALINE, and ELYSIA are standing by the base of a small cliff while snowballs roll down next to them.)

Rayman-They better be this way. It's been days, and we still haven't seen a sign of either of them!

Aline-Honestly, I'm surprised we haven't died of frostbite. It's supposed to be -61 degrees up here.

Elysia-Fahrenheit or Celsius?

Aline-Who cares? It's cold!

Rayman-An invincible Knaaren and a black Lum that can't be hurt by physical means hiding in a super-cold summit where any normal person would die of frostbite? Yeah, it checks out.

Globox-But if we've made it this far, it means we're not normal people!

(He jumps up the cliff. The others follow him.)

Rayman-Yeah. And the world hasn't been destroyed, which means it's not too late for us.

(He finds a cage hanging from a balloon. He breaks the cage, releasing a group of Tufkins.)

Tufkin-I have to go finish my snoooooowman!

(The other two Tufkins disappear. The third Tufkin looks around and starts walking away.)


(He sneezes out a blue can and then disappears.)

Globox-Bless you.

Rayman-So...does anyone wanna grab that?

Elysia-I'm not scared.

(She opens the can. Her clothes turn blue.)

Rayman-No one told me there were Teensies living up here.

Aline-They're called Tufkins, and they're extremely well-adapted to living in the cold. They don't even take their hands out of their pockets to cast spells. They use their noses! I wish I could use my nose.

(ELYSIA swings on a purple Lum and lands on a balloon, which immediately pops beneath her.)


(She finds a Hoodmonger shooting at her. She grabs onto it with the clamps and pulls herself closer to it. She shocks the Hoodmonger, defeating it.)

Rayman-Thanks for clearing that out, but how are we supposed to get up there?

Globox-With our hands and feet!

(He starts climbing up the lowest part of the cliff. RAYMAN shrugs and follows him. ALINE teleports to the top of the cliff. They see a trail of balloons leading to a small wooden arena with a hot spring in the middle.)

Elysia-Be careful. These balloons pop when you jump on them.

Rayman-Then how do we get over there?

Globox-Like this.

(He starts bouncing on the balloons, causing them to pop.)

Rayman-Wait, what about the rest of us?

(He sighs and starts gliding across. ELYSIA and ALINE glide over with him. GLOBOX is already in the hot spring.)

Globox-Come on in! The water's fine!

(Two Hoodmonger Officers run in.)

Globox-Really? I just got in.

Elysia-Don't worry, Globox. We'll take care of 'em.

(She tries launching her clamps at the Officers, but she misses. They start shooting her.)

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