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When Aurora got out of the shower, Tom and Rachel were sat in the living room, eating the pasta with pesto Rachel had made.

Aurora's hair was wet. She was dressed in leggings and a huge black hoodie. Even at home, she usually wore all black. It made her feel invisible, and she liked that. Aurora slowly walked to the couch and sat next to Rachel.

Tom bit the inside of his mouth, hard. Aurora looked so beautiful and Tom felt like he couldn't contain what he felt for her.

"I need to go soon, to take care of Lily, she needs to go outside. We thought Tom could stay the night and keep you company and watch over you. I trust him with my life, Aurora" Rachel said, all three of them knowing the depth of the words she was saying to Aurora. Trust was no easy thing for Aurora. But, Rachel. Rachel she trusted with her life.

"I dunno, Rachel" Aurora mumbled, pulling the sleeves of her hoodie over her knuckles.

Tom frowned. He wanted Aurora to feel comfortable. But, he was worried about her, and he'd do anything just to touch her again.

"Please. I'm worried. Don't let this be like last time" Rachel quietly pleaded. That made Tom wonder, what had happened the last time?

"Fine" Aurora mumbled. She sat there, almost frozen as Rachel was leaving after eating and cleaning up. Rachel said goodbye and Tom and Aurora were left there, alone. The TV was on, so at least it wasn't an awkward silence. Old episodes of Spongebob were playing. But Aurora was not paying attention. Though she trusted Rachel, today she was terrified of all men.

Tom noticed Aurora tense up as they were left alone. He felt saddened but he understood, of course. He wanted to make her trust him though.

"Feeling better?" Tom softly asked, looking over to beautiful Aurora.

"Yeah" Aurora just breathed out, moving her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around herself, keeping her gaze on the TV.

Tom felt like he needed to do something, anything to make her feel safe and happy again.

"I know you're scared right now and I respect that. But I would never hurt you, in any type of way" Tom said, turning his body slightly towards Aurora.

Aurora slowly turned to look at him, biting her lip, which made Tom internally groan at how attractive she looked.

"Yeah" she just breathed out again, turning back to look at the TV. The two just sat there in silence after that, watching the TV until Aurora's eyes slipped closed. She fell asleep and Tom decided to let her sleep there on the couch.

"Oh god, no! No!" was the first thing Tom heard when he snapped his eyes open. He had fallen asleep while watching the TV too. He shot up and saw Aurora, still asleep, her face contorted in what looked like pain, she looked terrified. He swallowed hard, it hurt him to see her like this.

Tom slowly got up from the couch, walking over to the other side where Aurora was laying. Very softly, he ran his fingers through her hair. "Aurora, it's okay, it's just a dream" he said softly, trying to wake her up gently. Aurora's eyes snapped open, and she looked completely terrified as she shot back from Tom's touch.

Tom froze, afraid she'd be upset with him. But she just sat there, frozen and terrified, staring at him.

"It's okay. I won't hurt you" Tom said again, softly.

Instead of being snarky or dismissive, Aurora sounded so desperate, so afraid, needing to be held by someone safe "Do you promise?" she asked, almost begged with tears in her eyes.

"I promise you" Tom softly said, holding his hand out for Aurora. His heart was absolutely broken in pieces seeing her like this. Aurora moved slowly, taking Tom's hand and holding it tight, like it was her lifeline. Tom felt his heart start beating faster, this girl's touch did things to him he could not explain.

Aurora took a deep breath before getting up from the couch, not letting go of Tom's hand. She led Tom into her bedroom and flopped down on the bed. Tom stood there for a few seconds before hearing Aurora whimper. Quickly, he laid down next to her, not sure if she would want him to touch her or not.

"Please, make it stop" Aurora begged, tears forming in her eyes. She needed someone to ground her, to remind her she was not in danger.

Tom wrapped his arms around Aurora, holding her back to his chest. He held on to her tight, his other hand going to her hair and playing with it soothingly. His chin was on the top of her head. Tom felt tingles all over his body from Aurora's touch. But, right now, he only wanted to make her feel safe.

"Shh, it's okay" Tom whispered into her hair, kissing the top of her head. He felt Aurora's body start relaxing, her breathing becoming more even. He held onto her, because he needed her. He wanted to stay like this forever, holding the girl he wanted to spend eternity with.

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