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TW: suicide attempt. this is something that is deeply personal to me and something i've been through myself. i'm glad i'm alive now though, it gets better. my friend actually died about a year ago, i lost her to suicide, and i'm still processing that as well. i miss her everyday. please be kind to everyone, you never know when you will see them for the last time 💔 and remember, even when it gets tough, none of us will get out of this alive in the end, so just hold on and try to enjoy the ride.

Tom woke up on his couch, alone and confused.

"Aurora?" he called out, putting on his boxers as he got up. He searched the entire house, a horrible feeling washing all over him. He started breathing heavily as he tried calling Aurora, his call going straight to voicemail.

Tom swiftly pulled on his clothes as he ran out of the apartment, getting a taxi to Aurora's apartment.

He called Rachel on the way, who said she'd be on her way from Josh's immediately.

Tom banged on Aurora's door, begging and pleading for her to open the door. When he got no answer, he decided to kick the door down. That's how worried he was. He ran through the apartment and he swore his heart stopped when he saw Aurora, laying down on the bathroom floor, a bottle of pills next to her body.

"Aurora? Oh my god!" Tom yelled, dropping on his knees, scared that he'd been too late. He felt his heart start beating again when he heard Aurora mumble something, pulling out his phone and calling 911. The rest of the night was a blur. Tom remembered the ambulance, the sirens, holding Aurora's hand and Rachel's teary eyes as she hugged Tom in the waiting room.

Tom felt himself slowly being pulled out of the nightmare as the doctor approached them slowly.

"You're here for Aurora Stirling?" he asked, making Rachel nod immediately.

"She's alive, but weak. We didn't need to pump her stomach, which means she's awake. I've talked with her and she has a regular therapy contact. She'll be able to go home today if she has someone to take care of her, provided she goes to her therapy appointments" the doctor explained. Tom felt like he could finally breathe.

"She can stay with me" he immediately said, rubbing his bloodshot eyes.

"She was asking for a Rachel" the doctor said before walking away. Rachel got up.

"You'll go in after, okay?" she mumbled, making Tom nod.

"I'm so sorry, Rach" were the first words out of Aurora's mouth when Rachel stepped into the hospital room. Rachel ran to Aurora and attacked her in a hug, crying against her shoulder.

"I can't lose you, love" she mumbled. Aurora felt so guilty, she could see how exhausted Rachel was.

"You should go get some sleep" Aurora said when Rachel had finally stopped crying. Rachel gave her one last hug before walking out of the room. Aurora sighed.

She was not expecting anyone else, but felt her heart beat faster as the door opened and a completely devastated Tom walked in. He stood there, looking at her as if afraid to touch her, afraid to get closer to her, as if she'd disappear if he got too close.

"Tommy?" she mumbled with tears in her eyes. That was enough for Tom to snap out of it. He ran to the bed and hugged Aurora, as if he was protecting her from all that was bad in the world.

"Fuck, you scared me" he said with a shaky voice, hugging Aurora so tight it hurt her a little. But she didn't want him to let go.

"I never meant for you to be the one to..." Aurora started but Tom cut her off by grabbing the back of her neck and kissing her, so slowly and lovingly.

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