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Aurora had gotten up at 10 am the next day, a new record for her. She was excited for her and Rachel's girls' day. She got ready, curling her black hair and carefully doing her make up before choosing her outfit, her favorite leather pants, high top converse and a simple, black t-shirt bodysuit.

Aurora had her morning coffee with Tom, who seemed a tad more distracted than usual, but still showered Aurora in kisses and compliments before she left.

Rachel picked up Aurora in her car, and they drove to the shopping centre whilst listening to music. They got coffee first and then, Rachel dragged Aurora to Victoria's Secret.

"Why the hell are we looking at bikinis, Rach? It'll be fall soon" Aurora groaned after 30 minutes of looking at swimsuits.

"Stop complaining" Rachel pouted, making Aurora giggle at the funny face she was pulling.

"Sorry, babe" Aurora mumbled.

"I think this is the one" Rachel spoke, picking out a white one-piece swimsuit, making Aurora nod in agreement.

"It's totally you" Aurora agreed.

"Now you pick one out. It's on me" Rachel smiled, eyeing Aurora.

"Rach, you don't need to do that" Aurora spoke out, making Rach sigh.

"Either you pick one out or I pick for you" Rachel smiled smugly, making Aurora begrudgingly pick out a black high waist bottom and a black triangle bikini top. Aurora knew she'd never even wear it, her body dysmorphia was too severe.

After a few more shops, and a lot more waiting around while Rachel picked out clothes, she finally drove Aurora home. Aurora thanked Rachel for the day before walking back into Tom's apartment.

"Tommy?" she called out as she walked in.

"In the bedroom!" she heard Tom exclaim. She set down her purse and the Victoria's Secret bag before making her way to the bedroom, where Tom was laying on the bed, scrolling through his phone but closing it as he saw Aurora come in, a huge smile growing on his face.

"Come here, baby. I've got something to tell you" he said, holding his arms out for Aurora. Aurora flopped down on top of him, resting her head on his chest, making Tom chuckle.

"So... You, me, Rach and Josh are going to Bali. Tomorrow" Tom spoke out nervously, his hands wrapped around Aurora's waist.

"Wait? Are you fucking with me?" Aurora asked, excited about the idea of a vacation, but feeling bad that someone would have paid for her.

"No. We leave in the morning" Tom smiled widely.

"Tom. You didn't need to do-" Aurora started but was cut off by Tom pulling her into a kiss.

"I want to go. With you" Tom spoke out as he pulled out of the kiss.

"I... Fine" Aurora smiled, giving Tom a quick kiss on the lips before getting up.

"Oh my god, we need to pack!" she yelled out excitedly. Tom felt his heart flutter. She was so happy and excited, and his heart felt full again.

"I've got one more surprise" Tom spoke out, still all smiles. Containing her excitement, Aurora sat back down on the bed, watching Tom get something out of his pocket. A key. Aurora's brows furrowed.

"Right now you only have my spare key. I wanted to make you your very own. So I guess you officially live here now" Tom grinned, but his smile faltering when he saw Aurora's expression. Aurora thought she could avoid this for way longer. She felt her anxiety growing again as she slowly took the key out of Tom's hand, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

"Thanks" she mumbled, giving Tom a fake smile.

"What's wrong?" Tom frowned, his arms immediately going around Aurora.

"Nothing. I'm fine, I'm okay" Aurora tried to convince both him and herself, trying her best to hide her shaky hands.

"Baby, talk to me" Tom pleaded, leaning his head on Aurora's shoulder.

"I didn't think this would happen so soon" Aurora mumbled, nervously fiddling with the key in her hands.

"I want you around all the time" Tom softly said, moving her hair behind her ear and giving her a quick kiss on the neck.

"Maybe we should still wait for a bit" Aurora spoke out, refusing to look up at Tom. She felt Tom suck in a sharp breath.

"I don't want to wait" he spoke out softly. Aurora sighed.

"Tom, I don't know if I'm ready" she said, her anxiety getting the best of her.

"Nothing is going to change. It'll be just like now, except you wake up next to me every morning" Tom smiled.

"Tom... Last time I moved in with someone... He ended up abusing me. Hitting me when I did something to upset him" Aurora quietly spoke out, afraid to look up at Tom, afraid that this would be the last straw and he'd leave her.

Tom was furious. But not at Aurora. At whoever had done that to her, he clenched his fists as he tried to suppress his anger. He didn't want to scare Aurora.

"I'm so sorry, baby. Just know that I'd never lay a hand on you. Ever. I know it'll take time for you to feel totally comfortable living with me, but I'll show you. I only want to love you" Tom spoke out, running his hands up and down Aurora's arm, which always seemed to calm her down.

"Wait, you still want to be with me?" Aurora asked, finally looking up at Tom.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" Tom asked confused, wrapping his arms around Aurora tighter.

"Because... Of what I just told you" Aurora mumbled, a tear slipping out of her eye.

"Baby, look at me" she heard Tom speak, gently grabbing her chin and turning her eyes to him.

"What happened wasn't your fault. I want you. The way you are" Tom spoke, his eyes not leaving Aurora's. Aurora felt her heart flutter. Could he really love her unconditionally?

"Okay, Tommy. We'll live together" Aurora smiled, drying her tears.

"You just made me the happiest man to ever walk this earth. Come on, we need to celebrate!" Tom grinned, all smiles as he dragged Aurora up off the bed to the living room, turning on the music again and starting to dance, making a complete fool out of himself. But it was worth it when he saw Aurora laughing.

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