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Aurora figured she wouldn't have to worry about her and Tom moving in together for at least a couple of months, and it was the only thing keeping her from totally freaking out. But god, when Tom was fucking her, she would say yes to anything he suggested.

The rest of last night, Aurora and Tom had just laid around and watched movies. Now, Aurora had stayed up all night, worrying. Tom's arms were once again wrapped around her, holding her in a tight grip.

"Morning, baby" she heard Tom mumble, pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Hi" she mumbled back. Tom smiled as he watched Aurora laying down next to him. Now that she'd agreed to move in, he'd get to wake up next to her everyday. Thinking about that made him grin. Tom placed a soft kiss on Aurora's lips, sitting up in the bed.

"Let's go make coffee" he suggested. Aurora followed to the kitchen after him, standing next to him as he made them both a cup of coffee. They made their way to the couch to drink their coffee.

"I need to pee" Tom muttered, setting his mug down and kissing Aurora before going into the bathroom. Aurora sat there and frowned when she noticed Tom's phone on the couch buzzing constantly. She looked around before deciding to pick it up and see what was going on. She opened the phone and saw it didn't have a passcode. She opened the texts that were from Rachel and Josh. She frowned as she read them.

'how is she doing now?'

'did you actually accidentally tell her you wanted to marry her?'

'are you two really moving in together? wouldn't have expected that from Aurora'

'you didn't show her what people were saying about the pictures the paparazzi took of the two of you together, right?'

Aurora threw the phone down on the couch. Tom, Josh and Rachel actually had a fucking text thread talking about her. And she was angry. Angry Aurora never made good decisions. Aurora put on her jeans and her hoodie from the other day, throwing down Tom's t-shirt that she was wearing.

Just then, Tom emerged from the bathroom, still smiling but his smile faltering as he saw Aurora clearly trying to leave again.

"What are you doing?" he asked, making Aurora turn around. And Tom could tell. She was furious. Aurora said nothing, she just got Tom's phone and threw it at his bare chest, Tom catching it in his hands, his mouth opening slightly as he looked down at the phone and then Aurora.

"What?" he asked, still confused about what could have made her so angry.

"I can't believe you. You guys actually fucking talk about me behind my back?" Aurora spat, angrily grabbing her purse from the counter next to Tom's door. Tom's eyes widened in realization.

"Aurora, just wait-" he started but Aurora cut him off.

"No need to explain. I get it, you have some kind of savior complex, but guess what? I won't fulfill that fantasy" Aurora spoke angrily, her hand on the door handle.

"You know that's not true!" Tom explained, taking a few steps towards Aurora.

"I frankly don't care, Tom. I'm not moving in with someone who will monitor my every fucking move and report everything back to Rachel" she spoke, her words full of venom. She turned around, about to leave when Tom spoke up again.

"Aurora stop! Stop trying to leave me, you know you want this too!" he raised his voice.

"You don't know what I want, Tom! None of you do! God, you guys all act like you fucking know me. Guess what, you have no fucking idea about the things going on in my fucking head!" Aurora was now yelling. She rapidly tried to dry the tears spilling from her eyes. She cursed herself in her mind, why did she always have to cry when she was angry?

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