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Aurora woke up in the middle of the night, covered in sweat from her nightmares. She glanced over at Tom, who was sound asleep, his arms holding Aurora in a death grip. Aurora wanted to go to the bathroom, to cool down, but Tom's grip was only tightening around her as she tried to get out of it.

"Tom" she whispered, shaking Tom slightly, making him hum, still half asleep.

"Can you let go?" she whispered, making Tom's eyes slowly flutter open.

"Why?" he whined, burying his head into Aurora's neck.

"I'm sweating" Aurora said, slightly embarrassed but more so annoyed, how could he still be so clingy, so needy for her after everything?

Tom groaned as he kicked the duvet off them, but not lessening his grip on Aurora.

"Tom. I need to go to the bathroom" she whispered, making Tom huff as he opened his eyes and sat up, finally letting go of Aurora. He slowly got out of the bed, making Aurora frown.

"What are you doing?" she asked confused.

"I'm not letting you go alone" he said softly, stretching.

"Tom, I will not pee in front of you" Aurora said, her cheeks turning a pink color.

"I'll wait outside" he just shrugged, holding his hand out for her. Aurora sighed as she took his hand and followed him into the bathroom, Tom reluctantly letting go of her hand as Aurora went in, before Tom stopped the door with his hand.

"Don't lock the door" he mumbled, letting Aurora close the door.

Aurora did her business and washed her hands, sighing at the sight of her bruised face. Apparently, she had hit her face when she fell in her own bathroom. She made her way back to the bedroom, Tom waiting right outside the bathroom door.

"You feel okay?" he immediately asked, taking Aurora's hand into his and pulling her to his chest.

"Yes. I'm fine" she said dryly. She followed Tom back to bed, him wrapping his arms tightly around her again. Aurora laid awake. Truth be told she just wanted to be alone, she didn't want anyone taking care of her. When Aurora was sure Tom had fallen asleep, she slowly removed his tight grip from her waist, getting up from the bed as quietly as she could.

Aurora made her way to the living room, grabbing her purse and her clothes. She removed Tom's sweatpants and started pulling on her jeans, when she heard his voice and froze.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked, his voice full of worry and hurt. Aurora slowly turned around, facing Tom, who was leaning on the door frame, his arms crossed, looking angry and hurt.

"Home" Aurora spoke, but it came out more like a whimper. She finished pulling her jeans up, shrinking in fear as Tom slowly walked towards her.

"No" he just said as he stood right in front of her, his eyes boring into hers.

"I'm allowed to go home, Tom" she said, trying to be brave but her voice betraying her as it broke at the end of her sentence.

Tom just sighed, making Aurora shriek as he picked her up over his shoulder again, carrying her back to bed, laying down next to her. He wrapped his arms around Aurora even tighter than before, trapping her from leaving.

"You're not leaving me again" he stated, closing his eyes as his strong arms stayed around Aurora.

"Tom, please let go of me" Aurora whimpered as she felt panic rising in her chest. Tom did not budge. Aurora felt her panic strengthen her, trying to pry Tom's grip off her.

"Tom, I- I can't b-breathe" Aurora muttered out, making Tom immediately open his eyes and lessen his grip, not fully letting go of Aurora.

"Aurora, don't panic. It's okay" Tom whispered, his other hand going into her hair and playing with it soothingly, the other one staying around her, keeping her in place next to him.

"Tom, let me go, please" Aurora pleaded, thrashing around in his arms, her eyes filling with tears.

"Aurora, look at me" Tom said softly, making Aurora look into his eyes, her breathing uneven.

"I love you. Nothing's going to hurt you here" he whispered, kissing Aurora on the lips softly, his hand massaging her scalp. Aurora felt her body starting to relax. Aurora closed her eyes, breathing in Tom's scent, calming her.

"There you go, you're okay" Tom whispered, pulling Aurora into a stronger grip again. Aurora felt a chill going down her spine. Tom was not letting her go. Once Aurora had calmed down, she waited for Tom to fall asleep again. She couldn't sleep, not here, not in this man's arms. She couldn't depend on him this much, she couldn't hurt him anymore.

Once Tom was relaxed beside her, she tried to get out of his grip again, unsuccessfully. His grip tightened around her.

"Don't even try that" he mumbled, his eyes staying closed. Aurora huffed as she laid there, not able to sleep.

When Tom finally woke up, feeling rested, Aurora was in his arms, tracing his bare chest with her fingers, deep in thought.

"Morning, baby" he mumbled, cuddling his face into Aurora's neck. Aurora just hummed, stopping her movements, making Tom frown. Her touch felt like heaven.

"You okay?" he asked, his voice raspy.

"I want to go home" Aurora whispered, closing her eyes.

"I know, baby. But I want to keep you here, safe with me, okay?" Tom negotiated, his fingers running against Aurora's cheek lovingly. Aurora just nodded, holding back tears.

Tom dragged Aurora into the bathroom with him, giving her a spare toothbrush and brushing his teeth together with her. He could get used to this. Then, he led Aurora to the kitchen by her hand, lifting her up on the counter by her thighs so she could be close to him as he made them both a cup of coffee. When he came by his house after his interview with Rachel, he had gotten Aurora's favorite vanilla oat milk, just in case she'd come over.

Tom handed her the cup, giving her a quick kiss on the lips as he did so. He leaned against the kitchen island, across from where Aurora was sitting on the counter.

"What do you want to do today?" he asked, giving Aurora a small smile.

"I don't know" Aurora shrugged.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Tom smiled, Aurora nodding slowly.

20 minutes later, the two were on the couch, Tom's arms wrapped protectively around Aurora as they watched The Aristocats, which Aurora had suggested. It was one of her favorite movies.

"Aurora?" Tom nervously said, making Aurora look into Tom's eyes. She could tell he was very nervous.

"Yeah?" she breathed out, getting nervous herself.

"Do you- Do you want to move in with me?" Tom stuttered out.

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