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Aurora woke up the next morning with a slight hangover. She looked over at Tom sleeping next to her, his arms wrapped tightly around her.

Aurora slowly slipped out of Tom's grasp, walking to the bathroom. Once she was finished getting clean, she took in a deep breath as she looked at the ring on her finger.

Was she really ready for this? Was she really good enough to become Tom's wife? She felt like she had ran away from all of her bad thoughts for the past week, and now they were coming back full force. But, she couldn't break down. Not when Tom was sleeping in the next room and they were supposed to be having fun. She jumped when she was pulled out of her thoughts by a knock on the door.

"Aurora?" she heard Tom call her. She slowly opened the door for Tom.

"Everything good?" he asked, pulling Aurora into a kiss before going to the sink to brush his teeth.

"Yeah" Aurora lied. Maybe it was the fact that Tom was still on cloud 9 about their engagement, but he believed her.

"Wanna order some breakfast from room service?" Tom smiled as he put his toothbrush away, pulling Aurora into his arms.

Twenty minutes later, the two sat in bed having breakfast. Aurora felt her anxiety rising rapidly, mixing with the guilt of how much she'd been eating lately.

"What do you want to do today?" Tom asked, pulling Aurora out of her thoughts.

"Actually, I'm a bit tired" Aurora said, shooting Tom her best fake smile.

"You wanna stay in?" Tom asked, taking a bite of his croissant.

"Yeah" Aurora breathed out, pulling her croissant into small pieces so Tom wouldn't notice she wasn't eating it.

"We'll stay in then" Tom smiled, putting their plates away.

"No, you should go out. With Rach and Josh" Aurora spoke out, getting up and getting her phone from the nightstand. She didn't want Tom to see her shaky hands.

"Nah. I'd rather stay with my fiancè" Tom smiled, walking over to Aurora and putting his arms around her waist, resting his chin on top of Aurora's head.

"Okay" Aurora just breathed out.

So, the two laid down on bed and watched cartoons from the TV. Aurora felt claustrophobic with Tom's arms wrapped around her so tight. She needed to be alone. She needed to throw up, to ease her anxiety.

"What's wrong?" Tom suddenly asked. Aurora's breathing had picked up without herself noticing. She tried to calm herself down.

"Nothing. I'm great" she said, her voice weak from panic.

"Baby, don't lie" Tom softly said, his hands going into her hair. He'd noticed that the habit calmed her down quickly.

"I just think I need a minute. Alone" Aurora mumbled, just wanting to get rid of the breakfast she'd eaten. She tried to get out of Tom's arms, but he tightened his grip.

"Aurora. Talk to me" he said sternly but softly.

"I just need to be alone" Aurora cried out, now panicking as she tried to pry Tom's hands off her waist.

"Shhh, baby. Deep breaths. You're panicking" Tom said softly, burying his face in Aurora's hair, holding her even tighter.

"Tom. Just let me go, please" she cried out, her chest heaving as she desperately tried to get enough air to breathe.

"Aurora, look at me" Tom softly said, repositioning Aurora in his arms so that she was facing him, softly turning her face to him by her chin.

"I'm here, it's okay. What's wrong, baby?" he asked, his eyes full of love and worry.

"No, Tom. I already ruined the vacation. Just go, have fun with Josh and Rachel" Aurora cried, still fighting against Tom's grip.

"Baby, you didn't ruin anything. You can't help having anxiety. It's okay. I'm here, okay? And I love you, you're safe" Tom spoke, his hands running through her hair again, making her heartbeat start to slow down.

Aurora felt her breathing start to slow down as she stopped fighting and melted against Tom, her head leaning on his chest as she took deep breaths. She was mortified by how many times Tom had seen her at her lowest. Though she was already calm, she didn't want to tell Tom what she had wanted to do. She didn't want him stopping her later.

"What happened? What's wrong?" Tom asked as Aurora was finally calm, kissing the top of her head.

"I don't know. Just started overthinking I guess" Aurora mumbled, humming as Tom's fingers went to her scalp again.

"I'm sorry" Aurora spoke out suddenly, making Tom frown.

"For what?" he asked.

"Being such a burden" Aurora said, biting her lip.

"Aurora, you're not-" Tom started but was cut off by someone knocking on the door.

Tom sighed as he reluctantly let go of Aurora and opened the door, seeing Josh and Rachel behind it.

"Hi! We wanted to come hang with you guys" Josh spoke, walking into the room after Rachel. The two sat on the floor as Tom made his way back to the bed next to Aurora.

"What should we do?" Rachel asked, eyeing Aurora worriedly. She could tell when she'd been crying.

"How about a movie?" Tom suggested, his arm going around Aurora protectively.

10 minutes later, the whole group was sat on their huge bed, watching Clueless, a movie Rachel and Aurora loved.

Tom smiled as Rachel and Aurora recited lines from the movie, laughing along as they did so. As the movie was nearing its end, Rachel was not paying attention but blabbering on about something to Aurora.

"So, Tom..." she spoke out suddenly, making Tom turn his attention to her.

"When are you guys having the wedding?" Rachel asked, a huge smile on her face.

"Oh uhm... Well I thought in like a month" Tom spoke out, looking over to Aurora. He hadn't told her but he'd basically started planning their wedding as soon as he'd met her. He wanted to waste no time marrying this girl and making her all his.

Aurora felt herself panic. A month? She would get married... In a month. She felt her heartbeat quicken.

"Sorry, bathroom" she smiled, getting up before anyone could protest and walking to the bathroom and locking the door.

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