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TW: eating disorder, disordered eating behaviors

"I'm getting kind of tired" Aurora said, quietly hoping that Tom would go home and she would get to be alone. He had made her eat, and that made her anxious. And, it was around 11 pm by now, and Aurora was actually getting tired.

"You wanna go to bed?" Tom asked, looking over at Aurora, he currently had his head on her lap and was laying down on the couch.

"Yeah" Aurora breathed out, absentmindedly running her fingers through Tom's hair, making him hum in pleasure as he closed his eyes.

"Can I stay?" Tom asked, not opening his eyes, enjoying every moment he got to touch this woman.

"Yeah" Aurora just sighed again, not having the heart to ask the man to leave.

"Great, let's go" Tom said as he jumped up from the couch before scooping Aurora up in his arms, making her shriek.

"What the hell are you doing?" Aurora asked, not understanding the situation, and being afraid she'd be too heavy for Tom to carry.

"Carrying you to bed" he explained, smiling as he walked into the bedroom with Aurora in his arms bridal style. He set her down on the bed gently before getting in next to her.

Aurora got under the covers as Tom removed his jeans and cuddled closer to her. He ran his fingers through her hair as he tried to fall asleep. Aurora just waited for Tom to fall asleep so she could go to the bathroom to throw up the pizza she had eaten earlier.

Soon, Tom was completely relaxed next to Aurora, his arms wrapped around her waist, his head against her back. Aurora slowly and carefully got out of his hold and quietly made her way to the bathroom.

She let the anxiety in full force. She sat down on the bathroom floor as she cried silently, holding her hands over her mouth so she wouldn't make any noise. This would help her. This would make her feel better, for a while at least. She got on her knees in front of the toilet before sticking her fingers down her throat, gagging. She had to try a few times before she actually could throw up. She was still sitting down, her hands leaning on the toilet and her fingers in her hair, tears running down her face when she heard a knock at the door. 'Shit' she thought.

"Aurora?" she heard Tom's voice call her.

Aurora cleared her throat before answering. "Yeah?"

"Is everything okay?" he asked, his forehead leaning against the door, brows furrowed in worry as he had heard Aurora throwing up. He tried to listen for any noises behind the door.

"Yeah, Tom. I'm fine. Go back to bed" she answered, weak from crying and throwing up. She felt her blood sugar dropping as well. That always happened after she did this. So far, she had been able to make excuses for when she needed to take insulin or deal with her illness in any way, she didn't want Tom to see or inconvenience him with it.

"No" he just answered, still leaning his forehead against the door. Aurora didn't know what to do. So, she just flushed the toilet and brushed her teeth, checking herself in the mirror to hide any signs of crying. When she felt she looked good enough, she put her hair up in a bun before slowly opening the bathroom door. Tom stood immediately behind it, looking worried.

"What's wrong?" he immediately asked, pulling Aurora in for a hug.

"Nothing" she lied, she was used to telling this lie. She reluctantly hugged Tom back.

"Don't lie to me" Tom said softly yet firmly, taking Aurora's hand and leading her back into the bedroom, laying down on the bed next to her, resting his forehead on hers.

"Now, what's going on? Do you feel sick?" Tom asked, running his fingers through Aurora's hair.

"Yeah" Aurora lied again. She couldn't bear to look Tom in the eye, filled with shame that he almost caught her.

Tom softly lifted Aurora's chin so he was looking into her eyes.

"That the truth?" he asked, not completely convinced. Tom had noticed how Aurora had not eaten the entire time they were together, not even when Rachel cooked for her. He was suspicious of the situation, he felt fine and they had eaten the same food.

"And don't think of lying to me this time" Tom added. He wasn't angry, he just wanted to help her.

"No, I lied" Aurora admitted, looking down in shame.

"What's going on, Aurora?" Tom asked, genuinely worried.

"I don't want to say" Aurora deflected, anxiously playing with her own fingers. A habit Tom had already learned she usually did right before a panic attack.

"You can trust me. It's okay" Tom whispered, taking Aurora's hand into his and giving it a kiss, then holding it to his chest.

"I guess I just really don't like myself" Aurora said, holding back tears, still refusing to look Tom in the eye. He would definitely leave after this so she might as well tell him everything, make things easier on the both of them.

"I've had anorexia since I was 13. I don't eat and when I do, I throw up. And I don't plan on changing that" she said, not having the energy to care anymore.

"Aurora" Tom softly started, running his fingers through her hair again, soothing her.

"I'm so sorry you're going through that. But you wanna know something?" he asked, staring at the beautiful woman in front of him.

Aurora shrugged, then shrieked as Tom flipped himself on top of her.

"I love every single part of you" he started, his eyes staring right into Aurora's. And what scared her was she could tell he was not lying.

"I love your face" he started, giving her face a few soft kisses, moving down to her neck.

"I love your boobs" he kept going, his hands squeezing them under Aurora's hoodie, but not in a sexual way, but a romantic way.

"I love your stomach" he said, kissing down on it, making Aurora sigh in surprise as he moved downwards.

"I love your thighs" he said, staring into Aurora's eyes as he gently squeezed her thighs.

"I want you just the way you are" he whispered, making Aurora whimper. She had never felt so turned on and loved at the same time. Tom got off her and laid down next to her, his arms going around her waist again.

"I don't really believe you" Aurora lied, she did believe him, but she couldn't believe someone would feel this way about her.

"Then let me show you" Tom said, his eyes staring into hers again.

"Okay" Aurora barely whimpered out.

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