brandon got a call

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I woke up and went outside saw roomi. I came to her and said "what are you doing baby why are you running so fast ?". She answered "mama I am looking for my dad and he's not anywhere did you see him ?". I answered her "oh! So now you love the most your dad not your mama". She answered "no mama it is not like that! I love you both the most". I hugged her hold her and then Brandon's mother was coming to us she said to me "come moon let's make breakfast together ". I said to her "yeah! Sure aunt I am coming you go in the kitchen". She went towards kitchen and I left roomi with Brandon take a quick shower and then went to the kitchen. We set the table Brandon and roomi came first and then Brandon's father came I was serving the breakfast. I noticed Brandon was continously on his phone. I asked him "what happened darling? Why are you busy with your phone?". He didn't answer me becuase his phone started ringing someone was calling him he said "sorry guys I need to take this call". I can't eat anything becuase I was worried what's going on. Brandon came back after finishing his call. He was smiling while walking I don't why. Then he said to everyone "attention please! I have a good news for you guys". Everyone started asking what good news is. He said "I got a call from London and I have been selected for the graduation and you guys know what I have to left tomorrow". I was shocked. Then he said "it was my biggest dream and now it is going to be true finally". I starter thinking if it is his dream so I think I should be happy and let him go on a good note.

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